It's the night before Christmas, and the big baby has finally fallen asleep in their crib. Nice and snug in their festive onesie and diaper. Dreaming of the fun baby toys that Santa is sure to bring them. After all, they've been such a good kitten this year. And it will be their first Christmas as a full time baby again, so it is sure to be a special one!
They don't even stir as they wet their diaper in their sleep. Their nighttime bottle working its way through their system. The long year of training having given them the continence of the baby they always dressed as. So bedwetting was now just another part of their new normal. Not that it mattered to them anymore. It was no longer something for them to worry about.
All that matter now was how much fun the morning would bring. The little kitten's 2nd first Christmas was going to be one to remember!
Some long awaited Christmas themed art by the wonderful Kirillsuke!
Fun fact: The husky stuffed animal is one of my actual stuffies! His name is Icy! <3