Like I mentioned a few times, Cedric has the biggest crush on Greta. So much that if you asked him directly how much, he’d say with complete certainty that she’s the only girl he has any real interest in. However Greta is completely unaware of this because:
She’s used to Cedric getting tongue tied or nervous, regardless of who he’s talking to She’s the kind of person who doesn’t blindly assume politeness and friendliness are the same thing as flirting. Most guys who are into her are more blunt… and annoying. You all know what type I’m talking about In spite of this, Cedric is still determined to overcome his shyness and confess his love. In the meantime, he’s content to be her friend. And Greta is always happy to hang with her buddy Cedsy.
Greta: “You’re as goofy as ever, Ced. Now come on, we’ve got a full day at the gym planned. And after that, you can show me your skills at the archery range.”
Greta: “Geez Cedsy, one little kiss and you get like this? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were head over heels for me”
Hey, I said she was oblivious to his crush… but I never said she was disinterested. Truth be told, Greta has never had a boyfriend before but she’s definitely interested. Problem is most of the guys who have flirted with her so far were either creeps or jerks. She appreciates Ukino for being her platonic friend, and Cedric for being her gentlemanly pal… though the thought has crossed her mind of what could be. Perhaps that’s the reason why she sometimes rewards him with a kiss on the cheek for helping her out, like how today he helped her move some heavy furniture. There may just be hope for these two as a couple yet…
Cedric: “Hap-hap-happy to help, Greta! I-I-I ooh wee, purrrrr~”
Greta: “But ya know… you’re pretty cute when you’re like this. Maybe… just maybe I should try my hand at that whole “dating” thing after all.”