The Giants won only 3 games this season, STILL didn't get the #1 overall pick they needed to draft the new quarterback they desperately needed because their 3rd win came uselessly at the end of the season, in a draft year with less than stellar quarterback prospects to begin with, after letting our star running back who we spent a #2 overall pick on a few years ago instead of trading him because that's the classy and respectful thing to do for a player, in order to keep the quarterback we HAD who we THOUGHT was good cause he showed massive improvement and won a playoff game in the year we had to decide between keeping him or that star runningback, only to find out that it was fools gold in the end and have to cut that quarterback this year anyways, while that star runningback whom we politely let go went to our ARCH RIVALS, and had a HISTORIC performance for them, culminating in that team winning a SUPER BOWL.
This is the worst Giants Fan timeline. And THATS just Football, which is supposed to be the ESCAPE from reality, where there's an idiot, con man, criminal, racist, despot, dictator, liar, dipshit as president, who has managed to fill the government with an army of yes men and enablers to get away with doing whatever the fuck he wants, and that's just ONE thing. (not even mentioning how the game itself was boring, the halftime show sucked, and my fiery Jamaican descendant housemate got into a aggressively shouty argument with me that took up the whole first half of the game where I was constantly getting shouted down for being "WHITE", all because that early Coca Cola commercial where the end line was "I think we're gonna be alright" I had the gall to say "I like that, that kind of hope and positivity is what we need right now." OR mentioning how I was doing some pre-game silly bantering in the Furrydelphia official telegram chat in response to the con chair making official account postings saying Go Eagles, and in response he middle finger emote reacted to every one of my posts before simply saying "fuck you" in literally just those words and only those words, and then kicking me from the chat 0_0 Well now going to the con and hosting my panels there is gonna be fun and awkward, all cause the con chair takes his football fandom way too damn seriously. and for the record, me making this gif over the way yesterday went and such is not actually cause it was a big deal that Philadelphia won the game and my team sucks, that all means very little to me as it should. It's over the way I was treated as a person yesterday by multiple parties that got me in a shit mood to wanna vent like this coupled with the other aforementioned non-football/yesterday related stuff like the current state of America and shit.) )
Anyways, have a screaming shark who wants desperately to be an optimist who sees a bright future for humanity but to whom reality is trying to violently beat that out of him at seemingly every angle :P Don't worry, I'm still not destroyed yet. Just gotta vent once in a while.
(I do have some good news though, this isn't the ONLY thing I'm gonna post this week ;) I have not just one, but TWO fully finished and SFM ported models ready to release :) One this week, the other next week, or I might just post them at the same time, I'm not sure, still deciding as to which way would make the biggest impact and get folks to use them more :P cause they are pokemon once again, this time from the same evolutionary line :)