Alyth and Ksi getting ready to slay monstrosities and save the world like it's 2016 again~
Picture inspired by mine and Nopasts Grim Dawn gaming sessions. Ksis gear is based on her Trozan druid build but, I don't really remember what Alyth was wearing so I just improvised on the gear, all I remember was that she was a fire Commando build with rifle and explosives.
Since Crate did a "Titan Quest: Ragnarok" thing and announced a 3rd expansion, even after they've said that "Grim Dawn" is content complete, currently we're waiting patiently till it'll drop, so Ksi and Alyth can get back into the fray once again :3c
A picture so nice, you had to comment twice... even thrice if I count in the Patreon one ;D
I do cope when I getting blasted in these types of games, by imagining that my girl (as I name my builds after my characters) just got laid good by the monster... it helps me that I do have a fair interest in teratophilia. Fanatasy smut is the best type of smut~
A picture so nice, you had to comment twice... even thrice if I count in the Patreon one ;D I do co