First, i don´t give a shit about what you think in your stupid beliefs.
Second they are an Stragiht couple, never said that both are siblings, you are one of those who want attention, and sure does by the worst way to me. Better do your research before you being blocked isnt it?
First, i don´t give a shit about what you think in your stupid beliefs. Second they are an Stragiht
Ok that was just plain rude, i mean name calling is uncalled for as if im wrong on something just say so you don't have to be a jerk to prove a point pal.
Ok that was just plain rude, i mean name calling is uncalled for as if im wrong on something just sa
And second, you have posted many art pieces with these two calling each other bro & sis so of course i thought they were siblings because couples don't typically go around calling each other brother and sister, and so my comment had nothing to do with any of my so called beliefs but regardless dude calling someone's beliefs stupid is really messed up.
And second, you have posted many art pieces with these two calling each other bro & sis so of course
Sadly i could not find the piece i was thinking of but i do remember one that you made years ago where Ellie went up to David and asked him for a change but for some reason she called him bro when she asked, although now that i think about it i don't think that there was one where David called her sis, but even if i am wrong about something that doesn't mean you have to be a jerk about it because at the end of the day it's still a really cute picture.
And honestly i would change or even delete my original comment if i could as i realized that putting gross at the end was going a bit too far and for that i do apologize.
Sadly i could not find the piece i was thinking of but i do remember one that you made years ago whe
Hey i did finally find the piece i was thinking of but unfortunately it's not on this site, but it's a picture that you make many years ago of Ellie going up to David and Ellie says "Good morning Bro, Guess what? Change me!" and then David turns around and gets a nose-full of Ellie's wet diaper, so yeah it turns out im not out of my mind or making it up as you did do it at least once.
Hey i did finally find the piece i was thinking of but unfortunately it's not on this site, but it's
And honestly considering how rude you were being earlier and the fact that i did see a pic from you that clearly had Ellie calling David "Bro" i think you owe me an apology because what you said to me was completely uncalled for.
And honestly considering how rude you were being earlier and the fact that i did see a pic from you
That's not even the picture i was looking at, this was... but again as i just stated you were right as i didn't realize that it was a different character and as such i already apologized but you really need to stop being a dick because lets just say that with the way you talk to people i wouldn't be surprised if that's the reason you got banned because what you are saying is again completely uncalled for and rude.
That's not even the picture i was looking at, this was...
But anyways i am sorry, it was a simple misunderstanding as again i didn't realize that the Bunny in this picture and the one in the other one were actually two different characters and that's my fault... Sorry.
But anyways i am sorry, it was a simple misunderstanding as again i didn't realize that the Bunny in
That wasnt the reason for FA banned me, dealing with mean people trying to change what i do or draw is not tolerated by me in any way or form. If you came to ask me for them being a couple or siblings before to go straight that both are siblings and that is weird, trying to say that them do some sort of incest, is what pisses me off, if i know you or something that will be a funny joke to me, but for somebody that i dont know or i dont have any idea who is, i dont take that as a joke and less for my characters, everything changed by just ask politely.
That wasnt the reason for FA banned me, dealing with mean people trying to change what i do or draw
At this point i don't care because you blew this whole thing completely out of proportion and it was nothing more then a simple mistake as i confused one character for being another but you took it like as if i was changing your characters and that wasn't the case at all, and yeah im the one who was wrong as again i didn't realize that those were two totally different Rabbits but in my defense they looked very similar to each other and i wasn't looking at them side by side so why didn't notice the difference's at first, but regardless of how wrong i was on the subject you were the one that decided to be a huge asshole over it and i do not tolerate that as you could have just simply explained that i was wrong instead of being a jerk about it.
At this point i don't care because you blew this whole thing completely out of proportion and it was
You need to realize that people make mistakes as it's a part of being human, don't flip out on someone just because they made a comment that wasn't correct because if they're not correct and you know they're not correct then all you have to do is simply correct them, don't be an asshole over it, Because again you threw a fit and started throwing insults and accusations towards me when it was a simple mistake.
You need to realize that people make mistakes as it's a part of being human, don't flip out on someo
And dude if you bothered to actually read my first message all the way through you'd see that i did actually put a question in that message because it included the sentence "Aren't they supposed to be brother & sister?" with a question mark at the end and that by definition was a question but instead of simply answering said question you decided to be a complete jerk and throw insults and accusations in my face which as i stated before was completely uncalled for.
And dude if you bothered to actually read my first message all the way through you'd see that i did
But honestly I still think you talking to me the way you've been and over a simple mistake is really messed up and like I said before regardless of how wrong someone might be on a subject you don't have to be a jerk about it.
But honestly I still think you talking to me the way you've been and over a simple mistake is really
Ok so it turns out that the picture that i was looking at was of a different bunny character, my bad i didn't realize that it wasn't Ellie in the picture and i apologize for the confusion, but even though i am indeed wrong and you were right this whole time you still didn't have to be such an a-hole over it and i stand by that.
Ok so it turns out that the picture that i was looking at was of a different bunny character, my bad
But anyways now that i know that she is actually a different character from the one i was thinking of this is a really cute picture and in fact id go as far as to say it's downright adorable or precious even.
And for people that read my previous comments it was a simple mistake as i simply confused one character for being another and i have sense apologized for my mistake and i acknowledged that i was wrong he was right, my only problem was the way he handled the situation as i felt that he could have been a lot more polite about it.
But anyways now that i know that she is actually a different character from the one i was thinking o