"So, you tried to sneak into my camp, did you? Hmmm....what are you after? My money? My tech? What could an outsider like yourself be after? Answer wisely, intruder..." ----- Sapphire the Dragojin and Art are mine
The dialogue you wrote for Sapphire the Dragojin is compelling and full of intrigue. It sets the tone for a tense encounter, revealing Sapphire's suspicion and authority as she questions the intruder about their intentions. Her narrowed eyes add a visual element that enhances the tension. The questions she poses create suspense, leaving the intruder's motives ambiguous and making the reader eager to know more Subway BOGO Code The way Sapphire speaks underscores her dominance and the high stakes involved, making it clear that the intruder's response is crucial. Overall, it's a well-crafted piece of dialogue that effectively draws the reader into the narrative. Great job!
The dialogue you wrote for Sapphire the Dragojin is compelling and full of intrigue. It sets the ton