Meet Crash; second in command of Jackal Squad! Though he is a higher rank than her within the squad, Crash is actually Bell's younger brother, as well as the youngest member among the team. During a pirate raid in the village which housed their orphanage, he and his group of friends took the command of the newest member in their little social group; a jackal named Infinite. As Infinite lead his fellow jackal pups to a place to hide out the attack, the captain of the raiding pirates happened to find them. Infinite took control and shielded his new friends from harm, which cost him a slash in the right eye. Crash was amazed, in utter awe of Infinite's bravery. He thought be was the coolest guy in Mobius, and strived to be like him in every way. Though he couldn't really match that cold and stern demeanor of his leader, as Crash simply had too big of a heart for that.