Character Sheet for Cliodhna Seighin
Character Description
Cliodhna is Xiu-lian's main rival in the gargoyles, and the only one shorter. She's very aggressive and fast, with unmatched stamina, but her diminutive stature hinders her from surpassing Xiu-lian. Conversely, this makes her really good at evasion. She's usually the one moving the ball from one side of the field to another because she's able to weave a bit easier through the other kids. Don't let her size full you though, she has insane strength for her size, and is "aggressively girly," so don't mess up her makeup, she bites.
Clio's a bit aggressive because she's used to being bullied by people for her size, until they get bit, then they don't bully her anymore. She has trust issues, the only person who she trusts remotely on her team is Ariana. She also has a fairly short fuse. Inside she's just longing to be loved and accepted for who she is. She's also super feminine, like if you even dare suggest she dress as a boy she'll bite you, she loves her frilly skirts and stuff.
Likes: Soccer, writing, poetry, music, makeup, dressing girly, biting jerks
dislikes: Most everyone, being made fun of for her height, the dentist, needles
Cliodhna was born in Briarwood and attended Briarwood elementary until age 10, then she transferred to the Briar School for the Academically Gifted, and she joined the Gargoyles to help get out some aggression. She didn't know she couldn't hit people though. She quickly rose to the top, being second best to Xiu-lian, the new transfer student, which both offended and impressed Clio. She made fast friends with Ariana, the giant teddy bear of a goalie, but never quite clicked with Xiu-lian, even though the latter was also in Ariana's close circle. She's determined to beat her rival and become the top player on the Gargoyles..and hopefully deliver them another championship.
She has 2 parents, and 2 sets of grandparents.
She lives in Briarwood, Solara, Arcturus V, in the year 2276. As such she is a part of my Arcturean universe.
Clio is tiny. She is 4'4" and pure muscle even though she doesn't look it. She is quite curvy for a 13 year old though. She has short copper red hair in a bob that goes just past her jaw and bright green eyes. Her fur is mostly light brown with some white spots, the most noticeable being the bridge of her snout and all around her left eye.
Clio is, as stated, "aggressively girly." She will not wear pants, or shorts, or anything of that nature. Her only exception is the Gargoyles uniform because it's a requirement, though she argues she could move just as well in a miniskirt. Her usual outfit is a mid-thigh length skirt, and a t-shirt of some kind, sometimes baring midriff, sometimes not. She also prefers calf-height boots, though does keep sneakers too.
for bed she's usually found in a big t-shirt to her mid-thighs or knees. she doesn't usually wear longer, not that it would be hard to find something that went past her feet, given her height.
Clio has both ears pierced and usually wears a small gold hoop in the tip of each of her ears. The base is not pierced because the way her ears flop it would be hard to see them anyway.