The warehouse is owned by Faztac Cybernetics, partners with Fazbear Entertainment ER LLC. We sent a team of three investigators under the protection of an armed security detail - Two men and a S.T.A.F.F MkII. We got to the site we found it vandalized. The sec-team where KIA and pinned to the deck. The investigators vanished. They took everything; maps, radios, ammo, you name it, but they left something behind. A message signed by "F". There's a figure causing a real stir in the region. Heard he's going by the name The Captain. Its uncanny. I think we've found our missing android, or rather he's found us.
----- Adult for brain matter. A little passion project that was supposed a dumb little crossover but a few of my buddies on Discord took it too far and its becoming something else. Enjoy :)