This pic is a collab I made with my friend sirinadream. This is a comic that came to mind based on an idea I had for a fic from another fandom where it would show what it would be like if the characters of a fandom x lived in a tribal environment. Also, this is a crossover comic between Sonic The Hedgehog, Star Fox, Happy Tree Friends, Zootopia, Aggretsuko, Beastars, and BNA Brand New Animal. Although there are other fandoms included here. This is the thirty-seventh page.
Zak is surrounded, but when everything seems lost for him, 5 shadows appear who end up taking him away, leaving the others present quite surprised.
Main Couples: Sonic x Amy / Sonamy Falco x Fox / Falox Flippy x Flaky Nick x Judy x Jack / Wildehopps, Savagehopps, Wildehoppssavage Haida x Retsuko / Haidsuko, Haisuko, Retsaida Louis x Legoshi x Jack Shirou x Michiru
Secondary Couples that appeared before this page: Paulie x Brenda Landar x Daisy Zelkova x Chrysanthemum Pale Bay Leaf x Red Pine x Black Narcissus Bernard x Aleena Tails x Cosmo / Tailsmo, Taismo Knuckles x Tikal / Knuxikal, Knuxtikal James x Vixy Peppy x Slippy Randorn x Kenya Leon x Katt Sneaky x Mouse Ka-Boom Disco Bear x Pop Cuddles x Giggles Stu x Bonnie Bucky x Pronk John x Mrs. Wilde Bogo x Clawhauser Retsuko's father x Retsuko's mother Kabae's Husband x Kabae Ton x Ton's Wife Ookami x Fenneko Manumaru x Resasuke Yafya x Gosha Tao x Kibi Collot x Voss Durham x Miguno Gem x Melissa Bonnie x Chica Foxy x Mangle Orville x Mr. Hippo Fredbear x Springbonnie Redd x Tom Blackjack x Rocket
Amy Rose and Sonic The Hedgehog belong to SEGA .
Fox McCloud and Falco Lombardi belong to Nintendo .
Flaky and Flippy belong to Mondo Mini Shows .
Mr. Wolf , Ms. Tarantula , Mr. Piranha , Mr. Snake and Mr. Shark belong to Aaron Blabey .
Judy Hopps , Nick Wilde and Jack Savage belong to Disney .
Haida and Retsuko belong to Sanrio .
Legoshi , Jack and Louis belong to Paru Itagaki .
Shirou Ogami and Michiru Kagemori belong to Trigger .
Zak Fox , Itop Dog , Kiljaos Windmane and Åtso Bear belong to sirkiljaos.