Character Sheet for Xeyaya
Character Description
Xeyaya decided to join an official Keronian gymnastics team a couple years back. She likes Watching sporting events. She finds Cevovo (a fellow teammate) hot in a respectable way. Even more so now given her new permanent appearance.
Very Candid, Feminine, and a bit of a Tomboy.
Likes: Watching sporting events, Gymnastics, Exercise, and Cevovo being permanently berried.
Loves: Cevovo.
Dislikes: The team she's rooting for losing, Her gymnastics team being unable to win a single medal, and Ceroro belittling Cevovo.
Xeyaya is a green colored Keronian who stands about 2'3-2'4 feet tall, which is a bit taller than the average height for a Keronian. She has yellow colored eyes with black pupils, and a white-ish green underbelly, which is adorned with an X symbol. Her dark green hat adorns the same symbol. Xeyaya is often straightforward and blunt given her candid personality.
Xeyaya only tends to wear her hat. Her hat is dark green with an X marking adorning it and has five flaps of varying length that cover her left eye.
When participating with her gymnastics team or training she also wears a red and white leotard.
Sometimes she'll wear a dress, though it's usually only for formal events, since while she is feminine she's a bit of a tomboy also.