Hm. Probably that would refine the edited parts, missed that opportunity. It sometimes helps, though still a lottery. Or you mean processing a drawing in img2img? That feels uncanny, if not degrading. Though what have I to lose now... I did something like that once, the result was weird, more kinda surreal. May be should give it a try again some day.
Hm. Probably that would refine the edited parts, missed that opportunity. It sometimes helps, though
There's a few ways of doing it. You can process a full image, there's systems that draw along with you, and you can refine parts by hand, or sketch just bits of the image you want to push in some particular direction.
For all of those having the ability to draw really helps. Instead of hoping the right thing pops up it becomes possible to get almost exactly what you want.
There's a few ways of doing it. You can process a full image, there's systems that draw along with y
Sounds interesting. Still need some time to master the tool... and a decent hardware. I sometimes run out of VRAM when I try to do some advanced operation (like canvas enlargement).
Sounds interesting. Still need some time to master the tool... and a decent hardware. I sometimes ru
It seems different UIs have different ways to deal with memory limits and some are better than others. There is a Krita plugin that I've heard handles memory limits well, and they also have a cloud service if your hardware isn't enough.
It seems different UIs have different ways to deal with memory limits and some are better than other