Free sketch from one of my good friend, spypolygon's Livestreams.
Gistino and Rik are on a stealth mission together and they need to get a clearer view on their target. Spotting a ladder nearby, they decide to ascend it in order to get a vantage point and can assess the area a lot better. Gistino goes first whilst Rik keeps an eye out for any guards until the wolf is high enough to let Rik climb up after him... well OK, it does also give him a chance to get a good vantage point on Gistino's rear quarters. A very good one at that.
If you want to get a free sketch from him, he occasionally runs Livestreams where you can watch him work on your pic. There are some conditions to that.
1) You MUST watch spypolygon (which makes sense as you'll be able to find out when he streams) 2) He really would like input on his work so constructive comments are appreciated. 3) Favourites are nice too but comments are better.
Alternatively, he also offers commissions. You can note him for more info.