Also the fact that her butt is so big it held shut every possible exit for air and detonated it is arguably way more embarrassing than if it went off as planned!
Also the fact that her butt is so big it held shut every possible exit for air and detonated it is a
I have SEEN people pop these things. Sometimes they go out with a small "pbffltr..." before the explosion, but one of my cousins sat on one and that thing straight BOOM!
Scared the crud out of us.
I have SEEN people pop these things. Sometimes they go out with a small "pbffltr..." before the expl
Man, been forever since I got those art pieces from you way back when. Glad to see you're still sticking around. I actually have a new character, albeit I still need to get an original piece of them, that you might like.
Man, been forever since I got those art pieces from you way back when. Glad to see you're still stic