At least, that's what I need to tell myself to stay somewhat sane.
Obviously I can't say that nothing good happened to me at all last year because that would be a grievous insult to Faso/Burquina who was kind enough to draw a gift for me and I implore you to check out:
But overall I lost a lot more than I gained. I did nothing worthwhile last year, for me it sucked pretty much from start to end. Somehow I'm still here. I don't really know what I'm going to do but, I need to start this year fresh for my own sake. So, maybe I'm back.
Anyway, that's it from me for now. I'll try and draw something else (and something nicer) later this month. This one, even if it didn't take very long, felt very painful. I guess that's what 8 months of not touching a stylus will do to you.