Popular, Athletic, Talented; These were all words that could describe Luca the bunny. He was a high school soccer prodigy and his skills increased when he went to college. He was known all around the campus for his abilities. Needless to say, he's pretty good around balls. His only downside was his academic ability. To put it simply, he was dumb. A basic creature with basic emotions and a love for sports. His classmate, Taiyo the dog knew this, so he planned out his course of action carefully. He was practically the polar opposite of Luca. He was introverted, shy, and smart. He knew how to wrap someone around his finger and Luca was a perfect target for his antics. What antics, you might ask? Well, Taiyo has a massive foot fetish. He's been eyeing that bunny's feet in particular since they were in primary school. He would usually see Luca with his shoes on, but occasionally, he's had glimpses of the rabbit's large bare feet from a distance, mostly when it was swimming class. He always wanted to at least give his feet a good smell, or maybe, a good lick. The thought alone made him extremely hard in his pants.
Tonight, 6:50, Napa College. It was the end of the students' last class, and their grades were given to them. "Urgh! Another failed test! Coach is gonna kick me off the team if my grade drops any lower! I'm totally screwed!" Luca panicked. Taiyo heard Luca as he grabbed his test grades. Of course, he aced it. But when he looked over at the bunny's paper, it was obvious why he was so distraught. "A 34%, huh?" Luca's head snapped to the direction of the canine, scowling. "What's it to you, nerd?! The teacher hates me anyway, so I'm sure she just rigged the answers." he said very rudely. One look at the paper and Taiyo could tell that was not the case.
Eventually, the bell rang, signaling the end of the day and Luca was about to leave when Taiyo stopped him, smiling like an idiot. "Hey Luca. I heard that another failed test and you're off the soccer team. That really sucks. It sure would be great if someone was able to tutor you for the next test." Taiyo grinned cheekily as it took Luca a second to realize what he was referring to, letting out a gasp. His face went from annoyed to desperate as he clasped his hands together, sat on his knees, and pleaded to the canine. "Please help me, Taiyo! I need a tutor so badly!" "Pfft, I'd be more than happy to tutor you if you want." the canine replied. Luca's face brightened up as he jumped to his feet. "Thank you, thank you so mu-" Taiyo stopped him, putting a finger to his lip and smirking evilly. "IF.....you do something for me in return." The rest of the class filed out of the room as the setting sun barely gleamed through the window, just leaving the two boys. Luca looked skeptical, perking his long ears around as he adjusted his baseball cap. "What do you want?"
Taiyo smirked and whispered something into Luca's ear, which he immediately recoiled and his nose curled in disgust. "Why would you wanna do that? My FEET?! Nerd, you're crazy! I went to soccer practice this morning and had a 12 hour day of classes, trust me, you do NOT want me to take off these shoes." Luca started walking away, stopping just before the door when Taiyo spoke. "I guess you'll just have to fail then. That's too bad. You're such a great soccer player, too good to lose your future like this." The bunny visibly panicked at that, looking distressed as he reasoned in his mind. Eventually, he mumbled something which made Taiyo's ear perk. "Hmm? What did you say?" he turned back around to see a defeated Luca, hanging his head in shame and embarrassment. "I-I'll do it. Just.....don't be too weird, okay? I guess I could use a foot rub, my feet are pretty sore."
Taiyo's heart skipped as he smiled and started walking towards Luca. Luca propped himself onto one of the empty desks and kicked off his shoes under it. A warm steam immediately emitted from his shoes. Seeing this, Taiyo's penis grew hard in his pants. (I didn't give him a boner in the drawing, just to play if safe.) "Ohhhh boy....." Luca slowly peeled off his slimy black socks, leaving his large white bare feet exposed. He refused to keep eye contact with the canine as he hung the damp socks on the corner of the desk and kicked his feet up into Taiyo's face. They were absolutely drenched in sweat, and visible stink fumes emitted from them. "This is so weird, dude. They're really damp and hot."
The heat coming off of them immediately fogged up his glasses as the canine grabbed them and started pressing his thumbs into the thick, round balls. He felt himself getting more excited as the feeling was everything he dreamed and more. He gave his toes some sniffs. "Mmmmmmmm, stinky." It was a smell of pure boyish musk and fresh sweat, enough to make anyone gag and plug their nose. Even Luca found himself plugging his nose as he looked down at Taiyo with disgust. "Why are you smelling my feet? You can't possibly like this. I can smell them all the way up here. I always knew you were weird, but this goes beyond my expectations." Taiyo just chuckled at this, knowing the bunny didn't even know that half of it yet. He kept rubbing and sniffing Luca's feet nice and evenly, and soon the bunny didn't care, because the foot rub felt so good. Feeling relaxed, Luca closed his eyes and reclined more, unknowingly pressing his stinky feet right into the canine's snout.
His relaxation was short lived however, as his eyes shot open as he felt a warm, slobbery tongue lapping at his toes. "What're you- GROSS!!!" he pulled his feet back. "Are you LICKING them?!" Taiyo just looked up in response, smiling with his tongue out as a line of drool connected it to the bunny's foot. "Uuugh, you're so weird. Whatever, if you're gonna lick my feet, you better at least do it well. Make sure to lick good between all my toes." he wiggled said toes in Taiyo's face and relaxed more. "Taiyo was feeling SO horny right now, he just wanted to whip it out and cum to the rabbit's large thumpers, but he chose not to for his sake. He then began to lick his stinky foot, slowly dragging his tongue from heel to toe over and over. He then started to lick up the sock lint and dirt between his toes. Luca's foot stink filled up the entire room at the point. When he finished, he then went to the other foot and repeated the process. His tongue explored every inch of foot their was before it was dripping with saliva.
Once it seemed he was finished, he massaged them a little more, the bunny much more relaxed now. The canine's legs started to fall asleep from being on his knees for so long when Luca finally spoke up. "H-Hey nerd. How about you come over to my dorm after studying. I'll.....let you play with them more, okay? Been a while since these puppies got cleaned. Luca didn't wait for a response, hopping up and grabbing his bags. You coming or what? Also, carry my shoes and socks for me. I want to show off my newly cleaned feet.
The End