Makkora, the bird barbarian boy, charges into battle despite his wounds, collecting unexpected strength and energy thanks to the aid of his ancestral guardians. These spirits not only empower him in combat but also protect him from harm. Among them are ancestors from an ancient time when his species had only wings and no hands, reminder of his lineage.
This piece was created for a charity auction and donated to Nutrias de México, an initiative dedicated to the scientific study and conservation of otters in Mexico. Picture for Flurrabell
Digital. Procreate
There is a short video where I show the time-lapse process of this piece, you can find it on the first comment of this submission on my Telegram art channel: Or you can watch the full video, download the full resolution version, and see WIPs and other works by me that I haven't shared publicly yet, at supporting me on Patreon: or Ko-Fi: Thank you! :D
Such a cool touch that the ancestors had a different evolutionary standard for their wings! You can see the whole evolutionary path, wings and feathers disappearing slowly, features rounding out more as they become more ground-based and tough! All that power imbued into his sword, whoever his foes are better watch out~
Such a cool touch that the ancestors had a different evolutionary standard for their wings! You can