This is so absolutely gorgeous! Synn's Den looks fantastic, and I love all of the little details from the toys and trinkets on the walls to the computer set-up to the cute little green paw chair pad. The little kitties on and by her keyboard and the little device on her keys is such a neat touch as well, as are the paw-prints up the wall. Synn herself looks so cute here, too. The green frog jacket really looks good on her, and I adore the fish-bone hair-clip. Her expression is adorable as well, and the perspective is so nicely done. Gorgeous work all around, and it's always neat to see Synn in these more sort of candid scenes.
This is so absolutely gorgeous! Synn's Den looks fantastic, and I love all of the little details fro
As awesome as this is, I must cry cop-out on not drawing the drawing at least one more time on the displays in the picture on her screens, mise en abyme. ... Yes I did spend a good ten minutes finding out what that was called just to look highbrow, here. <.<
As awesome as this is, I must cry cop-out on not drawing the drawing at least one more time on the d
Those games and books are great. Spyro Does His Taxes and the Big Book of Book! Not sure why the Introverts Guide to Staying Home needs to be so thick, I've never had any issues with that. Unless maybe it's secretly a secret snack box.
I got in through the portal door over here. Somehow in twenty years I never noticed it until now. So. Any good cheap pizza around here?
Those games and books are great. Spyro Does His Taxes and the Big Book of Book! Not sure why the Int