I felt pretty sick today and folk liked that joke image enough and kept asking for the rest of her. So felt like a good time to do a little crude rough summary of the species.
Do tentacles regrow? Just because - you know, a lot of species I know that have tentacles have surprisingly sophisticated regenerative abilities. But those are earth creatures.
Do tentacles regrow? Just because - you know, a lot of species I know that have tentacles have surpr
They typically would but she is both slowly starving to death, and the injury was basically blown off and cauterized at the same time by magic granted from another god. So it is trying but if it heals it will be a very long time in her current situation. She does have other scars from major injuries that did heal like her fight with the serpent as he messed up her head pretty badly, still some cracks and pieces missing, or how deeply her organ cavity got gored but otherwise healed up so far. She's going through a lot xD
They typically would but she is both slowly starving to death, and the injury was basically blown of