Hello, its me, yours truely octokitten! Starting next month we gonna have some fun with this new potion, the effects UNKNOWN! We gonna see how the potion effects the sweetsheeps of the Caramel family~ I hope you are stoked for a lot of on--stream-action... hope you saved up enough spunk, you gonna need it! I for once, am ready and moist! See ya in the new year everyone!
[With this~ on 1st of january I start a challenge month where I post a hyper-themed picture every day! Lets start the new year with something fun so to say... hope you are ready for this~ I am certainly not! XD
If you like my stuff and want to support me... i got a PATREON that gives yo one full month early access and influence in what I invest my working times the most~ Buy me a hot chocolate (i hate coffee): :iconko-fi: for the little Sheep