Just scored another three strikes in a row, so here I am posing for a photo to be placed on the wall! I'm sure there's no other reason that they're taking my photo...
The photographer told me to hold still as he took a few more photos. Guess they're gonna take several and pick the one they like best? Dunno, but I'm starting to feel a bit strange...am I developing a rash?
Third snapshot. Now I'm realizing something's very wrong here, as my bowling shirt rips under the pressure of my broadening shoulders, more redness appears on my cheeks and neck, and a noticeable beak pushes out from my mouth!
Photo #4! I cluck in surprise as a tail bursts out from behind me and my shirt explodes, exposing my large, round, avian body! Is this my reward for three strikes in a row, because if so, the bowling alley failed to inform me of this!
*Click!* The photographer finishes taking his final photo of me, as a large tail fans out behind me, scraps of my outfit clinging to some of the feathers! I squawk loudly as I wonder how the hell I'm gonna finish my game like this!