When Lessa was done bathing Eilers left her with a towel to dry herself as she threw out the bath water. Lessa stood there covered in the towel and shivering waiting for her to come back.
'Such a strange place with strange folk in here' she thought. 'A group of women in strange robes, living in seclusion away from broader society?'
Lessa pondered her observations for a moment. 'Aha! They are a coven! It is curious my mother never brought them up before. Perhaps they have some rivalry...'
Eilers returned and brought Lessa a slip to slip on for sleep. "Thank you! It is a fine garment!" Lied Lessa pretending it did not itch. "Do you have my smock so i might mend it tonight?"
"Oh no no, I threw that trash in the pit." Eilers said. Lessa stood surprised. "I can't just go out in a slip!" She protested.
"We will get you in a habit in the morn, doll" Eilers said. "Oh... I was always told not to get into those..." Lessa replied.
Eilers chuckled softly and led Lessa to a room, mostly empty save a thin bed on the floor. "Get some sleep now, we'll talk more tomorrow"
Eilers gave a long glance at Lessa and winked before exiting the room with the light.
Sleep did not come easy to her that night, she felt just as dirty as before the bath.
That night she had strange dreams, but they are of little consequence and we will not go into detail about it.
2 months ago
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