A magical amulet (shaped like a pacifier) was discovered during one of their expeditions. It was an adventure that Louie, Lena, her sister Darlene, and Uncle Scrooge went on together. The full extent of the change wasn't fully realized until they returned home. Their outfits changed so that they were stuck in diapers with pacifiers in their mouths. In Scrooge's case he literally regressed to better suit the amulet's image of him. They go to hide out in a room to discuss this matter but find it's been warped into a nursery for the four of them. Then they get discovered by Webby who is astonished to see them like this. Shortly after, her and everyone else, just see this as normal and start treating them like ACTUAL babies. The magic is getting stronger and affecting how the world sees them. They need to reverse this or else they'll be babied in this nursery forever...!
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Really love how you’ve drawn the regressed Scrooge McDuck here. Really like the style of his hair. Anyways, this is another wonderful drawing of high quality embarrassment. I like the blushing here, their expressions and the design of the pacifier amulet. Even the background and the choices of the photos is really good too.
Beautiful work on this commission for Darlene!
Really love how you’ve drawn the regressed Scrooge McDuck here. Really like the style of his hair. A