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by Carrot
DIDJA GUYS HEAR? New pokemon game/generation :333

It looks REALLY damn awesome. And the few character designs seem pretty sweet too ~

So have a little silly thingy.

snivy 2,793, fennekin 1,674, oshawott 1,270, chespin 857, pokemon - tame 588, froakie 304, starters 78, pokabu 13
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 12 years, 2 months ago
Rating: General

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12 years, 2 months ago
I will love the Water starter! ;_; I hope. The fox though, yeah, everyone is all over that one. I'm still 50/50. For once though, I'm not very interested in the Grass, for now. I'm keeping most of my opinions low until the release, though. XD
12 years, 2 months ago
Yeah, a lot of it depends on their later forms honestly. Since - what, you see them in baby form for like, an hour and a half of the game - if even.
12 years, 2 months ago
hahah... Pixiv has exploded with Fokko/Fennekin pictures... that's how i knew. oO

and frankly, that thing is just begging for "good" porn. *^^*

12 years, 2 months ago
They all are, I'd say ;b
12 years, 2 months ago
that fox thing looks like it is made for cute porn xD
12 years, 2 months ago
Right? I wonder if the makes of Pokemon ever think about us xD
12 years, 2 months ago
ya never know if a few designers are secretly furries and draws /34 under a different pen name >:)

i heard of top manga artists doing that to make /34 of their own characters.  o.o
12 years, 2 months ago
Hah - I wonder if they gotta draw them slightly differently, so no one assumes and figures stuff out xD
12 years, 2 months ago
ya probably, but long time fans can still spot the artist.

"hay...doesnt this new ero guy look similar to [famous clean artist]?"

"yeah even the line quality and shadings are the same.  only the eyes seem different but the face construction and boobage is spot on!"
12 years, 2 months ago
I always think when I see Floatzel, that has a teardrop on his belly that its a penis. It looks so much like one x.x

Just look how he is thrusting his hips forward in this one http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Floatzel_%28Pok...
12 years, 2 months ago
lmao - yeah! Stuff like that, what were they thinking?! xDD
12 years, 2 months ago
12 years, 2 months ago
We need more Chespin in IB :ll3
12 years, 2 months ago
Everyone just unequivocally loves the starters. It sucks not being in that circle, take it from me...

But they're all damn cute here lol so yay
12 years, 2 months ago
Hah yeah - they're all pretty awesome this time around, it's hard to put one on a pedestal
12 years, 2 months ago
Well xS What I mean is like, I feel like I don't gravitate towards any of them. And I can't describe why--LITERALLY, I can't even begin to describe it without someone chopping my balls off over telling me the next gens are better and blah blah it's becoming a chore to keep up with pokemon and its community for me :S
12 years, 2 months ago
This is cute and adorable and awesome :D
12 years, 2 months ago
12 years, 2 months ago
I'm HIGHLY eager to see how the grass one evolves.
12 years, 2 months ago
I'm eager to see any of them!

I REALLY disliked last gens evolutions, so I hope these stick more to their initial design and aren't so farfetch'd :/
12 years, 2 months ago
Well, Samurott actually ended up saving that evolution line in the long run as an absurd number of folks hated Oshawott, but yeah, it lost a lot of cute.

Serperior's only real sin was looking perhaps too similar to the original form.

Tepig when from cute to brutish, so I can clearly understand that.

Anyway, Chespin is the one I'm soooooooooo excited for, though I'm interested to see how they evolve period.
12 years, 2 months ago
Yeah I dunno, I just felt like all the pre-evolves were so distant. Like, Oshawott was legit, and Samurott was pretty legit - I liked those two. BUT THE FUGGIN WHADHAMACALLIT?! No tee y =/

Snivy's evolved form just didn't look polished to me. There's a certainly simplicity/elegance that Snivy had that made his latter evolutions kinda sloppy.

The fire pig was cute, but it's other things weren't pig-like remotely. A big hulking fire boar sounds WAY more appealing than whateverdafook that sumo was =/

But~ Just my opinions lol - In any case these new guys seem promising
12 years, 2 months ago
At least Emboar was the slow strong fire type built for counter attacks instead of trying to be another unsucessful Blaziken clone (I'm looking at YOU infernape!).

Here is hoping for unique dual types for the final forms. Or, at least, not ANOTHER fire/fighting.
12 years, 2 months ago
No good porn?! Bah! Kids these days just don't know how to look right!
12 years, 2 months ago
Rofl ~ And obviously "good" is subjective ;b. And me being a straighty crosses off like, a buncha images anyhow xD

That just seemed like a funny thing to say xD
12 years, 2 months ago
'Poor guy. he's depressed.'

'I keep telling him, he's no gardevoir. Besides, he has SOME porn!'

'About as much impmon from Digimon. Do you know how disheartening that is for a Pokemon?'
12 years, 2 months ago
This fun little picture has a bit of a glaring flaw in it !

-Chespin- is currently the LEAST POPULAR of the starters, and several pixiv artists have even outright mocked it

Froakie on the other hand is only a little less popular than generic Fire Zorua and has had a lot of porn drawn for it too - pretty good porn, at that!

JUST KINDA TAKES AWAY FROM THE FUNNY A BIT ; w;  I love and adore Chespin but he's getting totally made fun of all over
12 years, 2 months ago
It's not based on popularity - Erm, it was a popularity prediction. Lol, I drew it like, 12 hours after they were even announced...

It's more based on their canon images. The fox just looks like the smugleaf of the bunch. The frog just looks confused and not sure why it's there. And the hedgehog looks like it could give less fucks and is there for a good time xD.

For whatever reason, people seem to be taking this a bit personally though heh xD
12 years, 2 months ago
Uh excuse me but YOU may think that smugleaf and firefox is cool and that's fine but what you said about the water types is not. They're are plenty of people who love the water type. A lot of people preferred oshawott over the other two starters. The second part of the panel is rude and ignorant.
12 years, 2 months ago
Whoa guy ~

This was drawn like, the first 12 hours they were released ~ I only saw fanart of fox thing, and it just OBVIOUSLY looks like the smuggy of the bunch~ Look at the release photos xD The frog looks like, "Wait uh, is this the try outs for pokemanz?"

I'm not trying to preach or anything ~ I actually like Oshawott - and the frog looks... uh, different, but cool. Perhaps the wording was a bit strong, but I believe in exaggeration and pushing to the fullest - just an art philosophy of mine. I don't pull back punches.

I apologize you're offended by this - but please do take this as nothing but a joke, that's all it's supposed to be.
12 years, 2 months ago
*looks at new fox* Vulpix is not amused. XD
*looks at frog* Not bad.
*looks at... grass guy* Curious
heh honestly they arent bad
12 years, 2 months ago
Nope - They're all pretty dang sweet. They each seem to have their own audience, which is pretty neato
12 years, 2 months ago
No one gives a crap for Froakie. Maybe old man frog wasn't Game Freak's best choice. Looks like porrno fennec and grass Oshawott will do fine though.
12 years, 2 months ago
I'd agree with the middle one only basketgardevoir draws AMAZING porn of an oshagirl..... no dude porn of that though.

Also god dammit the last one seems EXACTLY how they'd act most of the time.
12 years, 2 months ago
Lol, and naturally porn is all personal preference~ I'm not huge on anthro'd porn of pokemanz ~

Regardless, it was just a joke :3 I'm sure there are tons of porn to satisfy everyone for everything xD
12 years, 2 months ago
I got that... It's just I kinda hated oshawott so much at one point that I may have believed that XD
12 years, 2 months ago
This means the greatest thing ever, with the birth of the 6th generation of pokemon, this bring the posibility of an ALL STARTER PARTY, we are talking 6 fire, 6 water, or 6 grass, all diffrent, it gives me goosebumps
12 years, 2 months ago
See ~ I was thinking the same thing. Shit's gonna be awesome :3
12 years, 2 months ago
Well, if you check Paheal, it has a couple good Froakie pics (Like this), and a couple good Oshawott, but I think the problem is that their forms don't lend them well to porn, like Politoed, Croagunk, Toxicroak, Shellder or Magnemite. Froakie has potential, it just sorta depends on it's evolutions.

Way back when, you probably wouldn't have expected Torchic to turn into anything that 34 artists could use, and now we have Blaziken. Meanwhile, there are plenty of pokemon from Gen 1, Like Golem, Krabby or, oddly, Primeape that only have a handful of pics at best.

But, yeah, Fennekin, even if it doesn't end up as the top of the three, will probably be at least as popular as some like Ninetails.

And, honestly, Chespin looks like it should be a water type, like an otter or something. But, given it's name and it's etymology, it's evolutions will probably be spiky, like hedgehogs or porcupines (It's japanese name includes parts of the words for Hedgehog and needle, so...yeah), but then again, look how much Sonic porn there is, so it has potential.
12 years, 2 months ago
Mmmmm - Ehh. See, there's always artistic liberties though. That person obviously anthro'd the characters - and any artist can do whatever to accomodate for lack of features. Not to mention, porn's all personal taste, so a statement like in my picture is obviously false xD. It was just a joke 'n stuff :)

I just want all the evolved forms to be feral things. Beastly huge frightening things. So a big ass hedgehog sounds pretty legit to me xD
12 years, 2 months ago
I think I actually like the new generation pokemanses. It feels like something 'new', the same way about gen3 when I started playing Ruby. I guess I like Gen1, Gen3, and Gen6. So the next I'll like is probably Gen10.

(Funny thing, I just realized that gen1, gen3, and gen6 all have the primary 3 colors)
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