17 October 2007
12 years after the Niagara falls was blocked, 4 years of silence of the Daily Veggie causing a shut down dismissing the photographers from the job. Cucumber has missed doing all these things around the world with her assistant Pickles. It begins with Cucumber taking photos of the statue that's prone to be revealed in the town square of where they're at. Funny enough, Editor Eddie was involved in the crowd viewing the reveal of the statue in the town square. But he hasn't seen Cucumber in years but she knew who that crocodile was. She was acting casual pretending she doesn't know him so that way it would surprise him a little bit. Editor Eddie doesn't recognize Cucumber without her hat really, the only thing he recognized was her voice. When she was chatting with Editor Eddie, the voice rang a bell for Editor Eddie and asked "Aren't you Cucumber? That travel photographer I used to count on?" and Cucumber answered "Yes" and Editor Eddie was flabbergasted and was happy to see her again. Cucumber was happy to see Editor Eddie again as well.
Editor Eddie: So, what you doing here? watching the revealance of the statue here?
Cucumber: Not just that, I'm taking photos of the revealance of it.
Editor Eddie: Taking photos huh? Bet you miss doing those things like what you did in the 1990s.
Cucumber: I.. I do miss doing it. Especially with my assistant.
Editor Eddie: Do you miss him?
Cucumber: I think I do. Even though he could be clumsy but, He is still a charming man. I haven't even spoken to him since 1996.
Editor Eddie: I see.
Cucumber: Let me ask you this, why did you close down Daily Veggie?
Editor Eddie: Two reasons, One: There was a rival industry that does photography and Two: The economy.
Cucumber: You didn't have to give up the industry, that so called "Rival industry" did a win win. I mean... what do they do?
Editor Eddie: Those guys are just jerks. They are job thieves.
Cucumber: Oh no.. There's gotta be something to do.
Editor Eddie: Well.. ummm.. Yes! Of course! I know what we'll do! Time to go back in business!
Cucumber: You're crazy Editor Eddie!
Editor Eddie: No I'm not! The time has come to open Daily Veggie back up!
Cucumber: Without Pickles?
Editor Eddie: Oh no no no no no. Not without that sly devil.
Cucumber: But, where is he now? Did he move out of town? Is he hurt?
Editor Eddie: I still have him in contacts but I haven't spoken to him since 2003. Do you have his number?
Cucumber: Sadly no.
Editor Eddie: Well, you're in luck!
Editor Eddie hands Cucumber a sheet and writes down Pickles' phone number and gives it to Cucumber so that way she can contact him more.
Meanwhile at Pickles' dorm room, He is sitting there watching the game and listening to some country music. Right as the player on his favorite team scored a point, his telephone began to ring. Pickles was startled by the telephone ringing. He runs to the telephone but he fell off the couch and stubbed his knee. He was on the ground for a few seconds and stood back up so he can answer the phone. It was a close call because the telephone was on the last dial tone for Editor Eddie. Pickles picked up the telephone.
Pickles: Yello?
Editor Eddie: Hello Pickles. This is Editor Eddie and I have some great news to share to you!
Pickles: Editor Eddie? Why hello there! I missed ya!
Editor Eddie: I miss you too, pal! The news is, I am about to reopen Daily Veggie!
Pickles: Stop your damn lyin'!
Editor Eddie: I'm not lying! Even when our rival industry is running, we might be able to tackle them!
Pickles: Oh really? Are you saying that you want us back?
Editor Eddie: Of course I do! You and Cucumber are my most important photographers!
Pickles: Wait.. Cucumber is gonna be there??
Editor Eddie: Yes! So put on the uniforms I gave you and get going!
Pickles: Aye aye! Editor Eddie!
Pickles hangs up the telephone and starts putting on his photographer uniform with a sense of euphoria in him, he brushes his teeth and showered before he put on his uniform. He even sprayed cologne so that way it would enhance his mood and would please Cucumber.
A little bit after, Editor Eddie has set everything back up in his office and invited Cucumber in his office after all these years of silence.
Editor Eddie: Pickles should be here any minute now.
Cucumber: (Taking a deep breath)
Editor Eddie: What's wrong? You nervous? Cold feet?
Cucumber: Well ummm..
Editor Eddie: If it's any of the two, then it's fine if you feel that way. It's natural to feel that way when you see an old friend after several years.
Cucumber: Okay sure. It's just that I'm anxious to see my assistant again.
While Cucumber was anxious and taking deep breaths to try and sedate herself, A knock on the door was heard. And Editor Eddie got up from his chair to open the door. And guess who it is? It's Pickles!
Editor Eddie: Pickles! You made it!
Pickles: Boy am I glad to see ya!
Editor Eddie: Come in!
Pickles steps into Editor Eddie's office for the first time in years and he looks around to see the improved set up. As soon as he got done looking around the office, he then saw Cucumber with his very own eyes. He was super surprised and make a wild grin on his face and ran to her with euphoria.
Pickles: CUCUMBER!!!
Cucumber: Pickles!! Hi!!
Pickles: Ohhhh I'm so glad to see ya! (Hugs her tight)
Cucumber: Geez, you sure are a hugger alright.
Pickles: It's because I missed ya so much!
Cucumber: Well, me too Pickles.
Editor Eddie: Alright you two, this is no time for love. Please sit down.
Pickles: Yes sir. (sits down on one of the chairs)
Editor Eddie: Alright. The reason I have closed down my industry in the first place was because of our rival industry. Our rival industry are lean and mean and have no heart towards me.
Cucumber: And we should take down those worthless bastards! Right?
Pickles: That's right, Cucumber! He will mash them to a pulp and make THEM go bankrupt!
Cucumber: On it! (High fives Pickles)
Editor Eddie: Okay, first thing's first. I will call you two on Monday the 29th.
Cucumber & Pickles: The 29th?!?!
Editor Eddie: My apologies but nothing can really happen right now. I still have to rehire my other staffs, especially new ones too.
Cucumber: But what can we do while we wait?
Editor Eddie: Now remember Cucumber. You have Pickles' number so you can talk to him more often.
Pickles: You gave her my number? Wooo wee!
Editor Eddie: I think Pickles might need to spend time with you because he really misses you. I suggest you two should uhhh.. I dunno.. Go out together?
Cucumber: Sounds likes a plan heh..
Editor Eddie: You two are excused. I'll call you on the 29th.
Pickles: Check!
Cucumber & Pickles walks out the building and is wondering where they want to go for a little time together after several years. Pickles can't decide where to go neither can Cucumber. So they try their best to decide what place they want to go to have time together.
Cucumber: Where do you wanna go?
Pickles: Hell if I know.
Cucumber: Shopping?
Pickles: Nah, Not my favorite. How about we go out for drinks?
Cucumber: Drinks?
Pickles: Any drink you want of course.
Cucumber: Pickles.. I have never.. heard a guy like you.. suggest me that.
Pickles: Forgive me, it was only a suggestion.
Cucumber: And you know what? I actually like your suggestion since you said any drink you want.
Pickles: Ya do?
Cucumber: Why yes. You know a place that sells drinks?
Pickles: I know a pub I go to down there. I come there a lot whenever I'm bored.
After Cucumber accepted Pickles' offer to go out for drinks. They walk to the pub that Pickles like to go to whenever he's bored and even play shuffleboard and likes to talk to his raccoon bartender friend "Bartender Bill" who's here 5 days a week. Cucumber & Pickles walk into the bar and sees Bartender Bill and says "Hello" to him.
Bartender Bill: Hey Pickles! Glad you're here! Who's this girl?
Pickles: This girl next to me?
Cucumber: I'm Cucumber! The travel photographer!
Bartender Bill: So it's true then.. The photographer from Africa who did so many great things?
Cucumber: That's right.
Bartender Bill: Boy am I glad to meet ya! Now what can I get you two?
Cucumber: What do you have?
Bartender Bill: We have beer, vodka, champagne, rum, brandy, wine, sodas, water, etc.
Cucumber: Hmmmm.... Hmmmm...
Pickles: You know me, I'll have a pint of beer.
Cucumber: Uhhhhh... Me too.
Bartender Bill: Comin' right up!
Bartender Bill starts to gather the 2 pints but he dropped one on the ground and shatters because they are glass.
Bartender Bill: Oh shit! Oops! Bummer.. Looks like I'm out of extra pints and have one left. Whadda ya wanna do?
Pickles: We can just share one.
Cucumber: Yeah sure. Two straws please!
Bartender Bill hands the two their straws so that way they can have their own sips from the pint of beer. He then starts to pour beer into the pint Pickles ordered and serves it. Pickles puts his straw in the pint while Cucumber puts hers in. Pickles starts drinking it.
Cucumber: Woah! Not so fast! It's not a race!
Pickles: Sorry about that, I'll let you drink the rest.
Cucumber drinks the rest of the beer after Pickles had his swig from it. Cucumber then starts to get tipsy because of the alcohol she consumed. Pickles asks for another round of beer and decides to have another sip but only a little so that way he'd save her some to sip. Cucumber begins to take another big sip from the pint of beer drinking it until there's not a single drop of it left. She began to feel even more tipsier than ever.
Pickles: Geez Cucumber! You good?
Cucumber: (Slurring) I am.. *Hic* that was good..
Pickles: It sure was..
Bartender Bill: I think the lady has had enough dontcha think?
Pickles: I think so..
Cucumber: (Slurring) Wow.. look at that raccoon.. *hic* he has a shiny *hic* nose! Like Roodog!
Pickles: Ummm.. dontcha mean "Rudolph"?
Cucumber: Ohh! Him! *hic*
Cucumber and Pickles both giggle while they were drunk. Bartender Bill kinda chuckled from what Cucumber was saying while she was drunk. Hopefully they didn't forget about their first trip after several years coming on the 29th of October 2007. If they did, that would make time fly fast. Worrying about it too much might make time slow down.
The End.