Character Sheet for Sample Mink
Samps, 'that damn minklet'
Character Description
This particular model mink is slender, green eyes, and with a topal pelt. (Topal is one of those 'official mink colors'. It's a medium brown.)
Generally cheerful, not overly pushy as a salesmink, and able to answer all sorts of questions about Mink Systems at the drop of a hat.
People who try to 'rescue' him. He's perfectly happy with what he does. Also, piercings. Bits of metal stuck in strange places make him all squicked.
Sample is a product of Mink Systems, LLC. He's the result of generations of breeding for form. While Mink Systems does not use genetic surgery or mutagens, they do a lot of line breeding and hormone treatments as needed.
Effectively no relatives. Raised in the corporate creche. Mink Systems has his breeding data on file, of course.
A bit under five feet tall, slender, a solid topal color, no patterns or markings. Long tail always in motion.
Nothing. (He wouldn't be a very good Example Mink if the product was covered up.)
A brochure case stuffed with Mink Systems literature.