Saturday night, and the Eagles just finished another practice run. Hopefully this would be enough prep for the big game against Dallas tomorrow! I jokingly wished I could just turn into a monster and take 'em on myself, as the rest of the team began to file back into the locker room. Distracted by everything, I failed to notice the unusual green-tinted full moon, and a genie reaching out and granting my wish, releasing a green mist from her hand!
The green mist drifted down onto the field and surrounded the ball, unnoticed, as I kept my attention focused on my fellow team members...but when it found its way to my mouth, I began to cough uncontrollably as I inhaled the green gas! I closed my eyes, hoping the feeling would subside quickly!
The effects of the mist quickly took hold of my body, as my eyes tinged bright green! The back of my jersey bulged out until it could stretch no further, and burst apart to reveal two large, bright green eagle wings!
My compression pants were next, and they similiarly bulged in the back, until several large green feathers burst from them! My legs also increased in size, creating taars in my pant legs.
My cleats soon joined the growing pile of clothing scraps surrounding me as they too succumbed to my ghostly changes! A set of green eagle talons burst from them violently, and feathers grew up my legs, shredding my pants even further!
I grunted as my face started pushing outward against the face guard of my football helmet. Meanwhile, my arms started buffing up and growing bright green feathers, and my chest grew as well, straining my already tight jersey to the point of ripping the collar!
As the transformation continued, dark green claws grew from my fingertips, and green scales burst through my gloves and wristbands! Green feathers grow down my bulging forearms, shredding the sleeves of my jersey!
My chest continued to barrel out as it turned green and feathered, quickly bursting right through my jersey! Sure, I had chiseled abs now, but they were green and monstery!
I grunted as a green-tinted beak pushed out from my face, catching on the face guard of my helmet. Thankfully, the guard could only hold for so long, and finally, my emerging beak burst free, and I let out a triumphant scraw!
The Ghost Eagle had emerged, and he was ready to take on the Cowboys...with or without the rest of the team to back him up!