Character Sheet for Snowden William Rembusch Ballard-Miller
Character Description
Snowden is a playful little snowboy who really loves the cold. Although he loves winter the most, he likes spring, summer and autumn/fall too. Unlike the conventional snowman one creates, however, Snowden doesn't melt. He's made to last forever, though he is and isn't made of snow, thus causing him to exist at all. He usually toddles around in his big top hat which has a blue stripe around it to confirm his gender, as he goes almost nowhere without it. He also pretty much never goes anywhere without his diaper, too. Unlike the conventional snowman, Snowden actually uses it sometimes, when he gets too into something or if he isn't paying attention to anything at all, though he's a great listener in general. When he uses it, he does it a lot. He usually poops himself whenever he gets too excited or in the action, he pees himself when he gets relaxed during intense action, but continues playing anyway, then he also farts loudly when he isn't paying attention at all. He especially loves getting changed. Like I said, Snowden is a special snowboy, since he can be powdered and changed, or even wiped. He also speaks fluent English, which is his second language. He speaks the languages my other characters speak, too, including their first language. He speaks English more, though, than the other languages in question.
Nice, kind, playful, energetic
Likes: Winter and cold stuff for the most part, and the things I like, sometimes using his diaper, but also loves diaper changes
Dislikes: Loud sounds, violence, etc.
Snowden came from a diaper design I created for a character I made fan art for. I don't own the character.
Myself, his father and creator
He comes from a diaper design for a character I made fan art for. I don't own the character.
Two snowballs, regular eyes, a carrot-like nose, two sticks for arms with three fingers each, a regular mouth
Most often, a big top hat that's way too big for his head with a blue stripe, but the hat is black, but also his diaper, designed after the Baby Looney Tunes style
No accessories needed for Snowden.