Every Christmas, a Christmas kobold named Luna appears in a sleepy, snow-covered village, carrying a special staff. With her presence, she brings peace and joy to the hearts of the villagers. Luna organizes festivals with songs and dances, and her staff guides everyone in an illuminated procession that runs through the town. At dawn, she disappears as mysteriously as she arrived, leaving the villagers with a feeling of hope and togetherness. Her legend lives in every corner of the town, reminding everyone of the true magic of Christmas.
-Hope you folks enjoy the design and the overall auction. :)
MI - +$5 SB - $15 >$100 [PSD] AB - $150 [Commercial use] / [Request Ver.Nsfw]
Rules: -AB: You can also separate it by leaving a 50% advance payment, The final payment will be at the end of this month. -No Holds. - DO NOT bid if you can't afford it. - Payment must be sent 24 hours after the Adoptable is claimed (if not hold) , otherwise it will be re-offered. - This base is from my ownership - Payment by Paypal.
After the purchase: - Feel free to give her a name,history, add features, change gender, whatever you want. :)
β¨If u want more Kobold theme for adopts, let me know in the comments