As any of those who have sailed With Captain FlameTail will tell you.. "EVERYONE PAYS the WOOD TAX" We pay it when we come into port and other crews pay us! some loot is more precious than Silver and gold a silver coin wont get you very far when you have holes in your boat and several crew mates are at risk from sinking the boat from taking on extra water!! and besides the best way to ensure an enemy vessle isnt a threat! take away their ability to repair their ship! I have many tales of salty sea dogs and plunderous pirates getting rather upset at me for ensuring my victory over them through this method. ------------------------------------ be it the Open seas or The honourless Hourglass! you can best bet that if you have a storage crate.. it can and WILL be used against you i have made it a habbit in recent times acting as the SAW of pirates.. Taking a crews wood supply and leaving them with only five planks... thir mast is down.. their helm is broken and they have many holes... what do they choose to repair.. how do they go about keeping up their futile state of existance forever left to bilge water lest they sink~
Well you see once you have taken the legally required keg tax, (all of it) sometimes the checks and Balances aren’t entirely in order, so we offer a one time payment tax rebate of a keg exploding at point blank range
Well you see once you have taken the legally required keg tax, (all of it) sometimes the checks and