No podia faltar la información Rik. Un lindo y simpático felino, quien amablemente dio estos datos.
Rik posee habilidades mágicas aunque al principio el no sabía que tenía estos poderes, no hasta que en un momento de su pasado se encontró con alguien quien le mencionó de su potencial y le enseñó a controlarlo.
Tiene una cicatriz en la oreja provocado por una disputa contra un hechizero maligno y de la cual termino muy mal herido, por lo que casi acaba con su vida, pero por suerte alguien lo encontró y lo atendió, curandole la mayoría de sus heridas, solo dejándole la cicatriz de su oreja.
(En su forma feral, Rik posee un collar con un cascabel)
(Ilustración de junio del 2024 de mi Patreon)
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The information Rik could not be missing. A cute and friendly feline, who kindly gave this information.
Rik has magical abilities although at first he did not know he had these powers, not until at some point in his past he met someone who told him about his potential and taught him how to control it.
He has a scar on his ear caused by a dispute against an evil sorcerer and from which he ended up very badly injured, which almost ended his life. But luckily someone found him and treated him, healing most of his wounds, only leaving the scar on his ear.
(In his feral form, Rik has a necklace with a bell on it)
(Illustration from June 2024 from my Patreon)
Support my illustrations on patreon and get access to more content:. (By supporting me on Patreon you can access the different variants of other drawings, as well as enjoy better image quality)