Samrio, the one of two twins, the winds - the Goddess of the Northern Winds, warmth and the change of seasons. Is often the one to bring an end to winter, slowly bringing the temp up to let their fellow PokeGod, Kasnam, to bring in spring and summer to parts of the world, or at the very least, help just plants grow. Being one half of the power, they are able to hone in their class of spells - rough winds from major temperature chances to cause damage. THeir shared homeland, partly above the land itself, is called Twin Winds, or Chaotic Winds, where most flying types can be found. The followers often deal with aeromancy, weather spells and other weather effects. The aeromancers are often hired to help sail ships across the seas.
Edicts: Care for new life, may that be for plants, babies or ideas. Help bring new ideas to the table and ensure everyone they can do anything.
Anathema: Keeping others down, needlessly murdering others, or wrongfully/forcefully impressing others needlessly in terms of personal freedom (tossing someone in jail for trying to make a chance).