Anthonitecus and Astraligor were adventuring in the arctic wastelands in order to reach the North pole, when all of sudden the Polar Express appeared near the duo, the conductor asked them "do you need a Ride to North pole? So come across the Polar Express!", "thanks pal, but we're gonna do this on our own", "dad i'm feeling tired and It Will take days to reach the North Pole, Igor still needs his Christmas wish" explained Astraligor after entering the train and Anton enters It as well. The Polar Express Will take the duo to the North Pole in a Very Quick time in order to help Igor with his Christmas wish. Will they reach the North Pole Before Christmas Day? Find out in the next Episode of... Adventure no Igo-magination's Christmas Special.
======================================== Anyway, thanks you [iconname][ToonlandianFox2002/iconname] for drawing my characters inside the Polar Express despite not being Christmas yet but i really liked It.
Anthonitecus and Astraligor belongs to [iconname] AnthonitecusWolff[/iconname] artworks by