Nombre: Frank The Fox. Nombre Secundario: Francis. Edad: 18 años. Sexo: Masculino - Bisexual. Familia: Marlon (Ahora Omega Mangle) The Big Fox [Es su hermano], Las Hermanas Canino-Vulpino [Este grupo de hermanas conformado por: Mangline The German Shepherd, Lolbit (Lola) The Wolf, Irma The Fox y Tania The Fox son primas de Frank y O-Mangle]. Especie: Zorro Rojo. Mangledversos donde aparece: RWX + A-W
Info: Frank (ó Francis) es un Zorro Rojo con pelaje (vientre) de un color anaranjado demasiado palido (Como un color crema), mismo color lo comparte con sus manos, piernas, cola, hocico y en la parte interna de las orejas. Es un zorro con poderes elementales por lo que puede usar cualquier elemento, el principal elemento que usa es el fuego, si el fuego no le resulta el agua es su segunda opción, posee una lanza sable que es su arma principal y puede hacer algunos de los movimientos de Manglina RougaFox. Es rápido ya que toda su familia posee la habilidad de correr bastante, sobretodo Omega Mangle (Que por cierto, Omega en el universo A-W no es hermano de Francis), un contra es que Frank al igual que Mangled transformado en DragonWolf Mangled, sus reflejos fallan, lo mismo pasa con Frank de que sus reflejos pueden fallar por lo que es una presa fácil para capturar.
Artwork hecha por: RowserlotStudios1993. Frank (Francis) The Fox pertenece a: Mangled
. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Frank The Fox. Second Name: Francis. Age: 18 years old. Sex: Male - Bisexual. Family: Marlon (Now Omega Mangle) The Big Fox [He is his brother], The Canine-Vulpine Sisters [This group of sisters conformed by: Mangline The German Shepherd, Lolbit (Lola) The Wolf, Irma The Fox and Tania The Fox are cousins of Frank and O-Mangle]. Species: Red Fox. Mangledverses where he/she appears: RWX + A-W
Info: Frank (or Francis) is a Red Fox with fur (belly) of a very pale orange color (like a cream color), the same color he shares with his hands, legs, tail, snout and the inner part of his ears. He is a fox with elemental powers so he can use any element, the main element he uses is fire, if fire doesn't work, water is his second option, he has a saber spear which is his main weapon and he can do some of the movements of Manglina RougaFox. He is fast since his whole family possesses the ability to run quite a bit, especially Omega Mangled (Which by the way, Omega in the A-W universe is not Francis' brother), a contra is that Frank just like Mangled transformed into DragonWolf Mangled, his reflexes fail, the same thing happens with Frank that his reflexes can fail so he is an easy prey to capture.
Artwork made by: RowserlotStudios1993. Frank (Francis) The Fox belongs to: Mangled