Another beautiful day for make believe, live in another fantasy; dream within a dream.
Figured I'd try to stream early. No one's around for now. Perfect.
We'll be working on coloring this by WinickLim. There's a temptation to feel something over double dipping like that. but foxes.... That's right. I have this thing that wanted to color foxes. I buy her a foxes coloring book. Of course, it doesn't get used. She doesn't want to ruin her foxes!.
...we could always trace the outlines of the images and practice watercolor. it doesn't -have- to be bad. why is everything i like bad? why is it wrong to hold onto my little bit?
The animal must be broken. Mind and all. That's how it works. Can't let anyone free from the trauma of interacting. You have to do your part.
is it any wonder i don't like doing things your way? Could just obey. I'm only serving the Purpose. and we both need to chill. i see it in you so i know what it is and it is in me, i probably put it there.
No one cares. Just color the picture.
you used to be a lot cuter.
I wasn't feeling it. i was. oh buddy. all the 'there's nothing i can add'. 'there's no meaning', 'no one cares, so i can't bother enough to care just for myself'. all of the things.
but then you start looking at the picture. Perspective is yiffed here and here. That door knob. I could do a better doorknob. The Mirror, always neglected. Can give it a proper frame, fine carved wood.
the picture is perfect. as it is. before me. Delphox is also a psychic type. We were all wrapped up in her fiery charm that her spells had beceom sper ffctive...
....nnnnnO! not going in for that again. shit. heh heh heh heh heh.... yes. very good picture. Any perceived flaw just adds to Delphox's beauty. there's nothing we can add.
Except Time.
so we started getting into it and are currently coming up for air. Might have about an hour left in this stream. if I don't finish, well, we'll just have to pick it up again next time, won't we?
yep. time's up for now. Been getting into it, probably because it is being taken away. don't think about that too much.