This is fanart of a fanfiction of the Sonic The Hedgehog franchise. This art is rated general because there's nothing inappropriate about it, but the fanfiction is not the same. The fanfiction includes things like noncon, 'human' trafficking, CSA and CSEM among another things, and they are portrayed in explicit terms. So do not read the fanfiction if you are uncomfortable with that. You can still like this drawing divorced from that context. This is the fanfiction in question: Immature Interest by HomeMovies And this is the chapter this scene appears in: Chapter 41 'The Guardian'
Figured Tails needed a break. Wanted to draw something more wholesome from it. Did my best with the expression. I was trying to make it look a bit awkward, yet he's still smiling and trying to enjoy himself. Still not sure how he should act and when it comes down to it Scourge and Fiona are strangers, so he's not quite comfortable.