A comic series where a featured character in each comic is transformed into an anthropomorphic animal based on the mask worn, all requested by SpyNinja28300.
Comic series still running from 2022 until 2024 (ongoing)
Comics: • Kris, My Dear Lady (page 01); featuring Kris Brooklin (male human turned female deer) • Molly's Buff to the Bobcat (page 02); featuring Molly Clarkson (female human turned male bobcat) • How in the Jeopardy Did Timothy Show Up (page 03); featuring Timothy Soro (female human turned male fox) • One Little Vulpine Boy (page 04-05); featuring an unnamed native (male human turned female human-kitsune hybrid) • Mark Your Fate, Theresa (page 06); featuring Mark Qauntilpeak (male human turned female fox) • Folklore Antique and the Vixen (page 07-08) • No Action Leaves No Consequence (page 09); featuring Elizabeth and Delia (female humans turned into male wolf and dingo, respectively) • Coffee Order - On Hold (page 10); featuring Maria Malaya Meiyo (female human turned female Arctic fox)