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"It's regrettable, but...
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Party Animals Chipp
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by Emenius

If you like what I do and/or want to see stuff like this EARLY, please consider supporting me on

male 1,195,646, cub 277,400, rodent 34,613, m 29,196, rat 23,490, meme 9,032, chipp 338, mcdonalds 212, donald trump 40, mcdonald's 6
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 4 months ago
Rating: General

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4 months ago
Cute hat lol
4 months ago
4 months ago
I need one of those hats in real life cause it might (maybe) make communication with others easier...or it'll just be funny.
4 months ago
Haha, you gotta respect a furry artist who's not afraid of speaking his mind! Good for you, lil' squirrel!
4 months ago
Is being afraid to say what you think a good thing?
2 months, 1 week ago
Absolutely not, and I've not said that whatsoever. On the contrary, I pointed out the respectable nature of speaking one's mind in current online political environment.
2 months, 1 week ago
I think exactly the same
4 months ago
He touched the fries.  : (
4 months ago
I'm honestly not sure what to make of the past two of your posts now. Is it heavy satire? Is it blind support? Either way this isn't the artist I followed
4 months ago
You're not the only one who's confused.
4 months ago
Who cares? It's just a funny little drawing.
4 months ago
it matters because A. conservatives are directly against the demographics 60% of furries are part of
and B. political furry art almost never goes well and overall is just not a very wise idea
2 months, 3 weeks ago
thinking a bit too deep
2 months, 3 weeks ago
a month late bud
2 months, 3 weeks ago
4 months ago
Are you paying him money to commission artwork or do you just presume you get to tell him what he can make because you hit a link that said "follow."
4 months ago

SNIPER! Shots fired! XD
4 months ago
Don't see you left any comments like this on all the depressed vent art he posted when he was going through it. So sounds like when he's feeling blue you don't give a shit, but when he's feeling happy you get upset.

Perhaps you should reflect on that.
4 months ago
You spent the time to look through all those other posts for that? Something you should reflect on too then.
4 months ago
The fact your response was pretty much just "I know you are but what am I?" really just says it all doesn't it lol
4 months ago
4 months ago
Uber eats is getting worse and worse ..
4 months ago
"bless your hearth little retarded kid, enjoy your extra nugget" - mctrump
4 months ago
Make Autism Great Again :)
4 months ago
Oh, we're getting four more years of that alright.
4 months ago
So cute it hurts


And the lil' rat lad is pretty cute, too~! ;3
4 months ago
Still worked a longer shift than Kamala
4 months ago
she is unburdened by what has been XD
4 months ago
Im trying to figure out if this is a humorous juxtaposition or meant to antagonize people? one post i could see as just a silly thing, but two is weird. especially with the responses from the first one.

i get that people like to use antagonistic imagery to get a reaction, and sometimes the jokes dont land properly and it comes across as the person being genuinely awful, so im trying to figure out if this is a joke or not.

from where i stand, this is likely just an offhand joke, depicting a very -very- bad man doing something wholesome for a child, its funny because of the absurdism. but i cant shake the idea that if its not a joke, if its just meant to kind of...hurt people that are scared of what that man is going to do to them and their families. that the joke isnt a joke to be funny, but to actually just hurt people?

that idea bothers me a lot so i wanted to ask if thats the case. is this meant to be funny, or is it meant to hurt people that are afraid of him?
4 months ago
It's art, you can interpret it however you want.
4 months ago
i was asking you what your intention was, art has intention, the manifestation of the creator, it might just be something funny or "to make someone laugh" but thats still intention.

if your intention is "it hurts people and i think thats funny" then your intention was to hurt people. that is why i was asking you to clarify.
4 months ago
I don't think artist intention matters. The only thing that matters is the interpretation of the end user. Whether it be drawn art, music, or comedy. The artist could flat out say what their intentions were, but people could choose to ignore it and stick to their interpretation. And that is 100% how it should be with something subjective like art in any form.

Now, with all that being said, I am an entertainer. Whether that be from my art, being in a garage band, or dabbling in comedy. I never want to hurt anyone. I don't hate anyone. I merely poke fun.
4 months ago
Wow, what a way to dodge accountability. Intentions are everything.
4 months ago
4 months ago
Then what is? If it's merely to entertain or troll people, and you don't actually believe MAGA ideology, then say so clearly. And if you are MAGA, say that as well.
4 months ago
" CuriousLeo wrote:
If it's merely to entertain or troll people, and you don't actually believe MAGA ideology, then say so clearly. And if you are MAGA, say that as well.

4 months ago
If you fall to the ground and start having a seizure which you would have recovered from completely harmlessly, but I mistakenly believe you're having a heart attack and start giving you CPR with the intention of saving your life only to break your ribs and cause the broken bones to puncture your lungs and result in your death, I don't think intention matters as much as the results in that scenario
3 months, 4 weeks ago
Intentions are literally what differentiates between murder, manslaughter, and negligent homicide. Plus, you'd likely be helped, or covered by Good Samaritan laws based on where it happens.
3 months, 4 weeks ago
I find it very telling that your response was based on legal semantics and not on the fact that a human being died when they wouldn't have otherwise.

Say a lot about liberals, doesn't it? Y'all don't care about how many people you kill, as long as you can argue that you're technically absolved of any legal fault.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
WOOOOOOW, that was such a brain-dead take on what I said. I don't know if I can possibly teach you what I meant. You just wanted to get angry so you made up shit about me. Typical.
4 months ago
Speaking of interpterion's, I cant help but interrupt your attempt to interrogate the artists for his intent as a way to sus out weather or not you should dislike along political lines...when that exact form of tribalism is why the mans the 47th.

Me, im just here to watch the rat kid enjoy his fries.
4 months ago
Intentions absolutely matter. It tells the truth about the person. If a person posts a piece they made with a confederate flag, it matters if the person made it out of their love of their home, or a means to spread the hateful ideology of slavery-era peoples.

Like with you. Did you make this comment simply out of a desire to make bridges between sides or because you actually agree with the ideology (because there's no way you actually see this as just a kid with fries unless you are incredibly ignorant). If this was a left leaning post, would you be so quick to deny the importance of intention? Because I genuinely don't know if you would. Based on a ton of comments of yours I've read, I genuinely don't know your stance on things. You've said some things that concern me, then seemingly contradict yourself elsewhere. You and Emenius are complicated people and I want to understand you, and intentions are key to doing so.

This isn't tribalism, an us-versus-them mentality, people are nuanced and grey. This is about the basic fundamentals of a person and how compatible they are to you.

I am compatible with people who take pride in their southern homes. I'm not compatible with bigotry. That's not tribalism.
4 months ago
well if you can separate the concepts and nuance instead of lumping it all together into an infantile left good right bad or Trump bad anybody else good binary then there's hope to have a real conversation with you yet =p

I made my post with the intent to make a point, that by reading into the artists intent behind to picture directly you were trying to figure out if he was a trump supporter or not when I would argue it hardly matters in the context of the art.

theres a special kind of Irony when you think about it, this image is DRENCHED in political Assumptions but...in reality it's an old man selling a happy meal to an autistic rat kid =p thats it. WE brought all the assumptions to the conversation about the picture. Nothing political is featured with in it. We have preconceived notions about the image based on the fact donold Trump is in it.

So as the artist said you really can take away from it what you will.

4 months ago
> "hateful ideology of slavery-era peoples"
Do you mean Democrats? It was the Republicans that freed the slaves, you know... I'm not even American, and I know that.

Maybe get off your high-horse for a moment, and have some self-reflection about your own political party, lol.
4 months ago
Oh dear God not one of you people. Clearly they didn't properly teach history wherever you live. There was an ideological switch between parties over time. Essentially, back then, the Republicans were on the left and Democrats were on the right. So those Republicans would be modern day Democrats.

But let's say that the switch didn't happen. Ideology still changes.

So your point is moot.
4 months ago
People in the south became less racist, and started voting Conservative, and people up north became more racist, and started voting Democrat. The politicians themselves stayed exactly the same, they didn't suddenly change their policies.

The demographics changed, not the parties. You're the one who doesn't know history.
4 months ago
You're fucking kidding right? You have to be trolling. No way you're that dumb.
4 months ago
C'mon Kevin. When I met you, you seemed to be a very intelligent, well read person. You should understand why a mainly LGBTQ+ community would be concerned by folks voting for a party of people who are historically and very loudly anti-lgbtq+, and especially been very vocal on removing LGBTQ+ material (such as your porn) from the internet. People would find it a betrayal if they learn someone they admire is friends with people who want to hurt them.

Like, imagine if you found out your best friend was getting all buddy-buddy with your bully, you know?

And you can say "I just wanna enjoy the art", but alas! Not only do LGBTQ+ people have to live with the truth that our lives will always be politicized, but our entire community has been as well! The whole litterboxes in classrooms thing, remember? That was aimed at us, and we've been targeted by similar right-wing and puritanical slanders. So, we have no choice but to be political, because we will always be seen as something "political" just for liking what we like.
4 months ago
can i understand the concern yes, but it's horrible misplaced... the democrats have been lying to us for ages and we keep coming back for more despite the fact there platform's success is predicated around us NEEDING them witch incentivizes them to only SAY they will help while create opportunities for more problems.

Wanting to protect children from degeneracy andlets be honest ive READ some of the books the republicans are up in arms about being in school libraries there just pornography. Is NOT an anti LGBTQIA+ agendea...NOT grand extra rights or privileges is not not anti lgbtqia+ >.> sorry fi your a biological male I dont think you should be on the female wrestleing team..,or in there locker room. Especialy not in middle school and high school.

as for the litter boxes in classrooms thing that was one idiot ant nobody really belived them, it wouldent even have held an ONUNCE of suspition in the first place if shit that was allmost just as damn weird wasent actualy on record. >.>

trumps not gonna go after gay people and hes promissed to do some shit ive been BEGGING politicians to do for YEARS! such as make it more difficult for people to do insider tradeing or  become lobyists for corperations while still working for government...shit like thats honestly fairly left leaning in fact.

4 months ago
I need to consider what you have said, especially at the end, and keep in mind that Trump was found guilty of fraud and hush money.

As for the litterbox things, I promise you it was taken very seriously by a lot of people. Heck, I had to explain to family in Canada that "No, it didn't happen, no matter what people are saying." And they're not even particularily right-wing. And this hoax was spread by major right-wing figures as matter of fact truth.

The republican party has been very vocal about their anti-lgbtq+ stance. The attacks on trans folk, especially the 'predatory' nature, are just rehashed anti-gay conversations and will be used as stepping stones to bring back such conversations.

And of course democrats have lied about things. All politicians have lied to us. Your whole response is filled with observably wrong information.
4 months ago
" I need to consider what you have said, especially at the end, and keep in mind that Trump was found guilty of fraud and hush money.
the fraud case was stateing the value of realistate being higher then it was, literally allmost everybodys whos sold real state is guilty of this. He gets his information from people he paid to value the property hes responsible for that sure but it's not like he did that himself. It's also really a nothing burger as far as crimes go in my book. Hush money was literaly just that storm denials crap. A guy running for president paid a whore not to talk about how he..paid a whore...again nothing burger. I wouldent have cared if he had been honest about her from the start either.

" As for the litterbox things, I promise you it was taken very seriously by a lot of people.

again this was only possible due to how much crazy shit we've all been seeing online and in real life for the last several years.. people going on record as being two spirit and other such nonsense. You are not a Dragon XD your just a dramatic!

" The republican party has been very vocal about their anti-lgbtq+ stance. The attacks on trans folk, especially the 'predatory' nature, are just rehashed anti-gay conversations and will be used as stepping stones to bring back such conversations.

and the trans community is doing everything it can to erase gay people by insisting effeminate boys must be girls. I can throw out accusation's that are true beocuse a small minority are doing it but it's not representative of the whole. In reality most of the right and even most republicans dont give a toss about gays for good or ill. Some of the more religious ones do but even then there missgiveings are personal exept when it comes to the instatution of marrage. I dont care if they want to outlaw the use of the word MARRAGE and we just have to call it a civil union, I DO care that both should be treated equally. In the same token the left continues to try and compell relgious instatution to participate in gay weddings by force. Now there ARE Churches that WILL let you get gay married, theres also a court house in every town or county in america as well as any bastard with a boat or 15 minuts to file for a marrage licence. the wedding issues not a big one for me, and trumps been fairly vocal about support gay people, hes just not pandering to them, wich democrates tend to.

" And of course democrats have lied about things. All politicians have lied to us. Your whole response is filled with observably wrong information.

Both party's lie CONSTENTLY I didn't vote for a party. I voted for the guy who not a politician and, promised to do the most things I wanted as opposed to the other person and last who's four years were IMO better then Bidens, as opposed to the democrats soulless hand puppet, who slept her way into her first job as a DA, got picked by Biden as a LITERAL Diversity hire, and then skipped the primary entirely when he stepped down rendering her in my mind, Entirely illegitimate since Not a single living soul voted for her to be a presidential candidate she got it through virtue of status as a "woman of color." I dont do identity politics or intersectionalist crap. The presences or absence of a vagina or how melinated your skin is will never earn or lose my vote by virtue of that alone.

Now maybe trump is Full of shit, but he tried to fullfill all his promises the first time and that track record means he will likely try to do so again...as opposed to the walking hand puppet the establishment was using to tick some boxes. Maybe im hedgeming my bets but i prefer my odds with the republicans at the moment.

Im a swing Voter, I vote based on factors in play not along party lines. I voted for that prick Obama...twice! wish i hadn't the first time I diddent know better the second time that was on me.,,,though It diddent help I was not terrible fond of Romney..old news now though
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I like how people forget that dems do illegal things like pedo biden and racist kamala locking up blacks but pretend there the good guys when they teach people to hate magas like teachers as an example unlike magas that trigger people just by supporting here party  And Act like a cult/facist without realizing
4 months ago
He's doing it to fuck with people. It's likely he actually is a Trump supporter, which definitely sucks and has no place in a platform that the theoretically supports queer people, and even if he isn't he's still doing it to fuck with people. So you have two choices here:

He's an asshole who supports an asshole
He's just an asshole

Also fuck all these people who donate to inkbunny supporting this. This website apparently has a rot problem.
4 months ago
Either the bad news made him brave and now he's showing his true colors and I have some very unfortunate unfollowing/blocking to do, or this is one hell of a cope. Or as you said, probably the most likely option is that he's just fucking with people because I guess "edgy" humor has yet to die. Idk why Inkbunny allows content like that, but I mean I'd probably chuckle at it if my friend who I knew wasn't one of those MAGA devils made it. Best thing to do in this situation is not give it any attention, but ragebait is gonna ragebait I guess :/
4 months ago
not gonna lie... Cub Emenius is WAY to god damn adorable XD
4 months ago
Where can buy that hat??
4 months ago
You need to go to a doctor and get diagnosed. It's a prescription hat.
3 months, 4 weeks ago
don't forget to mention the part where any  attempts to recreate the hat without the official stamped tag of legit production and not false can land you federal jail time of up to 60 minutes to 60 years! :V
4 months ago
Mandatory retirement age for McDs is 65 XD
4 months ago
I must admit. Trump looks like he's wearing a Trump mask in this picture.
4 months ago
Made me giggle pretty hard. He puts extra nugs in so thats a bonus.
4 months ago
O o o o me been diagnosed with ass-borgors for decades gimmie a copy of that hat dude.

This is going into my secret meme stash for some of my fellas who vibe with me on dark comedy and can take a fucking chaotic joke.

Btw i've been begging you to draw rat trump or maybe draw me another ratman with a big thicc rump.

(throws money at you and shoves money in your underwear) do it hoe, shake that ass it'll make you more money.

Fo' real this friday I'm paying you for bunch of fat rat asses to draw, maybe a fat Slade rat, fat ass twitch, fat ass RatarO, fat ass Chip who's been eating too much british Feesh and Chips with a typical british racist stereotype dialogue permitted by my british weed smokin' ass.

(shoves more wad of cash in your pants) DO IT!
4 months ago
telling a good joke is a dieing art...

TAKEING a good joke, that's damn near ancient history now! DX GOD DAMN I miss Carlin and Williams! Were so damn sensative.
4 months ago
cute little guy, enjoy those fries
4 months ago
"I have no problem with a guy who draws kiddie porn, but wrong politics, he has crossed the line!"
4 months ago
the fact you won't say your stance is refreshing you have the real attitude and feel of an artist I'm glad I follow you reading your comments makes me like you even more and very cute art.
4 months ago
Noooo! You're not supposed to like me, you' supposed to hate me! I'm a villain, don't you see!?
4 months ago
Trump working at a place, which fits him. He should give up politics and do what he can truly. Selling fries. Then he would really earn the first time his own money.
4 months ago
Dude got a big head start yes...but hes been in business his whole life XD hes earned the money he has. hes allways been very good and building up brands and business, then selling them off. thats how hes made his fortune. The people buying them either run them well or run them into the ground.
4 months ago
Do you think all his fortune fell from the sky? if he is so rich it is because he deserves it, things that a communist does not understand
4 months ago
Yeah. Right. LOL. I have more respect to those people who started with nearly nothing and made alot of it and became rich because of that. Small companies at the beginning, growing big. You think something like ADIDAS was big to begin with? The founders of Puma was the brother of the founder of Adidas. Both did start making shoes in the washing kitchen of their mother. How many people are now wearing those german brands?
He is an old orange who should have retired. At least Biden was smart enough to do that. Which means with that Biden is smarter then Trump. If Trump would have retired first he would have been the smarter one.
Also he belongs in jail.
4 months ago
It's true, Trump didn't start from scratch, when Donald turned 18 his father gave him $400,000. He used them to buy and remodel a hotel and within two years later he sold it for 7 million, This speaks of a very intelligent person with a natural talent for making money grow, something that we cannot discredit.
As for his age, at 78 years old, he is quite healthy and energetic, besides, thousands of people have held very important positions over the age of 80, so saying that "Trump is too old" is not a very strong argument.
I know that whatever I say is not going to change your mind and I don't intend to do it either, so let's avoid a useless discussion. Go with God.
4 months ago
I love the way everybody are trying to find meaning in this picture when in reality it demonstrates the core of free speech.  
4 months ago
Oh shit, really? That's the opposite of what I want. I don't want people to be able to say things I disagree with.
4 months ago
But I bet that Happy Meal™ tasted AMAZING!
4 months ago
I've found the hat...gaze upon its autistic glory!

4 months ago
Hat checks out
4 months ago
Cubmenius is always a cutie. Pinchable cheeks. c:
4 months ago
Need a more competent sniper. Get Golgo13 next time.
4 months ago
Congratulations, this image reached 1,348 views in 24 hours, annoying lefties generates a lot of views😎
4 months ago
Well Don, you're an odd fellow but I must say....

You steam a good ham. :)
4 months ago
4 months ago
Please be patient, I've made simping for a politician into my entire personality.
4 months ago
Vote however you want, but you just bought fries from the guy who wants to shut this site down. I hope the leopards don't eat your face.
4 months ago
" IronPaws wrote:
Vote however you want,

Yes, that's typically how voting works. Good on you for being so observant.
Hopefully it won't be something this country has to worry about anymore once Trump takes over and installs his new regime and becomes Grand Emperor of Earth.
3 months, 4 weeks ago
Man, I just want this site to stay up. This place is a rare safe haven. If the fbi goes after it, there won't be another one like it. Only one side said they wanted to shut it down. I really, really hope no one tells matt gaetz about this place.
3 months, 4 weeks ago
You should be more worried about credit card companies and payment processors like Visa and Mastercard imposing their moral will to try to get sites like this shut down. It's already happening to Japanese sites that host loli and shota.
3 months, 4 weeks ago
Believe me, I'm very worried about that. But who's will do you think those companies are imposing? Which side is asking those companies to do that? I want them to have less power.
3 months, 4 weeks ago
" IronPaws wrote:
But who's will do you think those companies are imposing?

Uh, the banks. And wait until you find out who is running those!
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Banks don't have any personal vendetta against porn, they just wanna make money, and I don't think the leadership at Goldman Sachs is particularly liberal, regardless of race or religion. But churches do have a vendetta, and they lean hard on visa and mastercard to ban it, and they've got enough money that the banks can't ignore them. The only people loudly complaining about porn are the Christian conservatives. Let's make their voice smaller.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Banks have risk assessment processes that basically dictate how and when they're allowed to conduct business and whether they get scrutinized by Homeland Security- Under the Patriot Act in the wake of 9/11 payment processors got somewhat "deputized" to look out for money fraud or laundering operations as part of the global war on terror where you would either play ball or not run through basically the 3 biggest payment processors (hence why places in like the EU have less archaic or middleman heavy financial services eg like Switzerland I think where they can just make person to person transfers without a say paypal middleman which uses like in turn Mastercard as the middleman between the actual bank accounts). If certain transaction or business sectors get deemed "high risk" for their propesnity for fraud, false transactions, money laundering, unsavory or illegal/dangerous business endeavors like firearms/gambling/pornography I forget which oversight department I /believe/ the FTC can basically strike down a payment processor like the hand of god, revoke their ability to process payments deal. So the payment processors are motivated to be proactive in keeping their nose clean as it were-

But in keeping their nose clean, who they do business or not with/how or why they choose to drop someone is considered a trade secret and not allowed to be queried save for I think a federal indictment? So payment processors were given frankly ridiculous and broad reaching power that has only really seen ramifications now in the full swing of the internet age because what you're seeing as a moral panic isn't one, but a bureacratic one- Payment processors kinda shit themselves a number of years back when I think pornhub had a big oopsie and might have been letting slide a lot of shit dealing in like human trafficking/possibly illegal material (what led to the need for like all those sights to require verification for video posting) and so with their financials being handled by these financial institutions; that whole fuckup was the first time they might have really had the FTC descend from on high to fuck them in the mouth started making payment processors way more vigilant to threats to their good financial standing by pornography sites than anything before really has-

S'not a moral issue being run into, it's a bureacracy issue.
3 months, 1 week ago
While this is all basicly true, it's so absolutely a moral issue. The rates of illegal activity weren't particularly higher on pornhub than places like Facebook, and the decision to put extra scrutiny on porn comes from people's moral objection. And a lot of that illegal activity was a side effect of the moral judgement to criminalize and demonize sex work. Drive a business onto the black market, get more crime, and now you can disguise your moral outrage as just being being tough on crime. They did the same thing with weed. Make selling it dangerous, then make the laws stricter because of that danger, and now you don't have to justify why you banned it to begin with. But it starts as a unfounded moral judgement.
3 months, 1 week ago
It's an interesting thought I hadn't considered, if there's a like per capita, by weight critical mass of ass say that catches the ire of institutions because I do recall what you were saying- It seemed like every other scummy shooting or criminal video was getting streamed on facebook live for the longest time so I do get your drift, would be interesting to turn over- What I think comes the issue with your objection and saying it /is/ a moral issue is that facebook is more than just facebook.com- In a way that pornography purveyors are not- Say like a twitch that's under heat right now is a subsidiary of amazon, which provides web hosting, serving solutions, consumer good fulfillment so on- They can just cut twitch loose as dead weight, compared to pornography outlets that tend to to be wayyyyyyyy smaller and usually singularly involved in that industry. To put it another way, if I only owned a shady online firearms outlet and really only trafficked in that field, it's much easier to financially ice me out as a high risk business under these edicts.
3 months, 4 weeks ago
3 months, 4 weeks ago
damn bro, this post doin numbers!
3 months, 4 weeks ago
"Go, little horny mouse. Have a Happy Meal and do crime."
3 months, 4 weeks ago
Some of the others in this comment section need to really think, some of yall are just looking for a reason to hate. Just enjoy this great picture of a fantastic meme lmao.
3 months, 4 weeks ago
I try to think but nothin' happens!
3 months, 4 weeks ago
I hate politics, I hate drama... but this comment section got me going like this.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
A very cute picture <3
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Very based art. I walked in and said, "Wow, what a based piece of art." Some would say the most based. You know it, I know it. Based Emenius, that's what some people call him.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Christ on a sesame bun, I haven't seen a flame war like this in some time.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Support who you like, but the amount of people who are assuming things that didn't happen during his first term and likely won't happen during the second is astounding. And the fact that these people don't realize that it was this "OMG, you did a thing related to Trump so you must be evil!" way of thinking and shouting that caused the most crushing defeat of Democrats since Reagan.

I'm wondering how they will react when they realize that it may well be another 12 years before we see another Democrat in office, because even after this way of thinking proved destructive to their own ideals, they doubled down and are being even louder.

Also, McDonalds fries are awesome.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
" blackshanis wrote:

Also, McDonalds fries are awesome.

Fucking idiot.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
If only I can get a hat like this since I have assburgers.

Politics is always a shitshow no matter the side.
Heck I have British trump here aka Boris Johnson, even met him at a London fur meet lol
2 months ago
Traitors to the allies
1 month ago
I don't get it...

Is this...Trump after he lost all his money and has to work a minimum wage job at McDonald's?

also where's your CAR? it's a DRIVE through...
1 month ago
He's a special boy and has a special invisible car; you just can't see it.
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