"I expected the magic book pool would be cold and shitty. I'm glad it wasn't, but it's nothing compared to this." Zush stretches her arms up, releaving aching muscles. "Also, taking a dip and coming out drenched like that...for all the layers I wear, every time we take a dip I leave weighing like 50 lbs heavier."
King stifles a yawn and rights himself into proper swimming position, everything from the shoulders down below the surface. "That pool was kinda cold and shitty now that I think back on it, but hey. Still felt good. Was my first time swimming in a while, so I guess it was kinda like... tasting stale bread after starving, y'know?"
After a beat he adds, "Anyway... Didn't take you for an avid swimmer. You have much practice at it?"
"Some, but I never learned how to until I was in my late teens. There isn't much use for a pool in the underdark, and the Malik family didn't live near a body of water." Zush cracks an eye and looks to King, a grin creeping onto her face. "I could always stand to learn more."
"Damn... Sounds awful. No offense." King clears his throat softly. "Well... Never taught anyone how to swim before, and unless you're hiding a tail somewhere, my lessons prolly won't exactly be 1:1..." Her creeping grin is returned in kind. "I don't see why not, though. Can at least show you the broad strokes. The backstrokes and breaststrokes, too."
"hEh. Sold. Backstrokes and breaststrokes are some of Triv's favorite things. Kind of reminds me of how you had to teach Zarat how to have a tail." She rights herself and does her best to bow. "Teach away, lizid."