Here's the first fanart ever of a Paniponi character, at least on Inkbunny
Paniponi (パニポニ) is a 1998 anime featuring furry characters with Sanrio-esque designs. Unfortunately, there's no trace of the anime available online aside from an article in MyAnimeList ( and the song Pani Poni Pa! (パニ・ポニ・パ!), available on Youtube ( Since it aired in NHK, it seems like the anime had a similar fate to Harimogu Harley, lost and without any hope to find and rescue the episodes without being taken down by NHK.
However, the Paniponi characters also appear in Gakken's Asonde series of educational games for Windows OS and PlayStation. The games we can have online via Myrient are: Sony PlayStation: Asonde AIUEO (あそんで あいうえお), Asonde Kazu Suuji (あそんで かず・すうじ) and Asonde Chinou-Up (あそんで 知能アップ) Windows 95: Asonde Kakezan Kuku (あそんで かけざん九九) There are more for Windows, yet those aren't available on neither to be downloaded on Internet Archive or Myrient.
Fun Fact: Asonde Kakezan Kuku works perfectly on Windows 10 via the Windows 95 executable without compatibility mode nor virtual machines.