Akko looms over Thai with an evil grin. The seafoam-green kobold places his paw on the top of the brown-and-beige kobold’s head, who happily leans into the tender touch.
“Hi cutie,” Thai says lovingly, trying to look up at Akko as they continue to pet the scales on the kobold’s crown.
“Hey cutiebold”, Akko replies, giving Thai a sweet kiss atop his head. “I brought you something.”
Thai turns around to look up at Akko, a curious look in his eyes.
“What is it, hun?”
Akko grins, suddenly revealing a hidden crystal pendant from his other, closed, paw.
The kobold lets the crystal loose, holding on to the metal chain, keeping it suspended midair in front of Thai’s eyes. It gently twists, the light reflecting off of the crystal in a multi-coloured prism on the walls.
“Just follow the pendant with your eyes, okay, cutie?” Akko says as he starts to slowly, gently, sway the pendant back and forth. Thai nods, softly whispering “ah…” in surprise, before allowing his eyes to drift towards the pendant as it swings left and right in a stable pattern.
“Doing such a wonderful job, simply following the sway of the crystal, allowing the light to catch your eyes, drawing you closer and closer…,” Akko says, continuing to pet the other kobold’s head.
Thai continues to look at the pendant as commanded, noticing that his eyes are indeed magnetized to the sway of the crystal. It’s a deep ocean blue, perhaps sapphire, and neatly cut into the shape of a small obelisk. Either way, it’s playing with gravity in a near perfect way, continuing to swing back and forth at the flick of Akko’s wrist.
“Now… it’ll be so easy to let your eyes drift close… every swing making it harder… harder to…” Akko says, the cadence in his voice getting slower and slower with every sentence.
Thai smiles in response, still following the pendant as he plays along. “Harder to do what, cutie?” he says mockingly.
“H… harder to th... think…” Akko says in a near whisper. His voice is struggling to remain coherent, just like his train of thought.
“That’s a good dommy kobold. Trying sooo hard to put me under… but it’s so easy to let yourself go instead, huh?” Thai says reaching up to stroke Akko’s cheek.
“yeah… let go…” Akko repeats, the swinging pendant coming to a halt as his wrist gives in to lethargy.
“That’s a good kobold.” Thai says with a smile, before giving Akko a loving kiss on his snout and gently guiding the kobold down to lay in bed. “Let’s get you nice and comfy, shall we?”