Sometime in the year 2062:
A dance of bits, optical impulses coalesced in the system, an older, clunkier model of the super-fine quantum systems people are uploading into these days. One of the first of it's kind, Aylia had uplinked herself to the computer, mapping her mind before dying, and in so doing, outliving her mortal flesh.
A soft tone sounded in the Cavin family's home. Still mortal, Aaren and Talia are seeking a reproductive license, or to adopt if that fails. Talia gives a soft swish of her grey, lupine tail as she glances at phone, it's image activating to show the virtual avatar of Aylia, a female draconian of white scales and blue eyes.
"Hello Talia." Aylia said, greeting the old friend. "Any luck with the license?"
"No, the old farts are still 'getting to it.'" Talia said, giving an irritable crumple of her nose. She busies herself grabbing a bowl, getting a sudden urge to bake a cake. "People say adoption is morally better, but there's just something about having your baby, with your eyes, maybe Aaren's nose..." She gives a soft giggle, imagining her son-to-be. "I'm sorry, I'm silly."
Aylia leans forward as she listens, replicating the image of an old mohagany desk for the conversation. "Oh no, you're not silly at all, Talia. I almost regret never having a baby of my own when I had the chance. I know how you feel. Do you have any idea how long it'll be before they give a decision?"
"Yeah, they're talking a couple years now, ever since north america and europe signed that reproductive alliance agreement... Dumbest thing ever." She says, giving a thwack of the beater into the bowl.
Aylia's ear gives a soft twitch as she watches her friend fume at the batter. "Well, we might be able to speed up the process a little." She says, her eyes glancing away from Talia, a bit nervously.
The wolf stops for a second, putting the bowl and batter down as she looks directly at the dragon's image. "How so? Did you, in all your processing finesse, figure out a way to bend reality?" She says, a level of disbelief making it's way into the very aire of her tone.
"No, no. Just a loophole." Aylia says, smacking her lips. "You know I'm an old model, one of the first. The new upload systems aren't much bigger than a dime, while I'm... well, let's just say my power bill every month makes me cringe. You also know the definition that agreement gave to what constitutes a child, right?"
Talia gives another flippant wave of her hand, answering the question and rambling to the digital dragon as if reciting an old fairy tale. "Yeah, a child constitutes any intelligent agent, biological, mechanical, or other. I don't see how that helps me, it just means I can't write an A.I."
Aylia gives a soft smirk, putting her chin on her hands. "No, you can't, but you might be able to give one a new flesh-and-blood body." She says. She watches for a small second, her friend's face looking a bit confused before she follows, "Talia, would you be my mommy?" with a draconian smirk.