BOOM, CLAP, THE SOUND OF- oh wait this drawing's rated G I can't finish that joke
Had a busy week so far, so I decided to be a copout and make a sequel to my previous work. This time, less of an emphasis on comedy and full dorkiness, and more of an emphasis on my closeup shots and emotions. It took a while to get some of these down right, but I am very satisfied with the end result, and I hope I have melted some hearts with this one. As always, feel free to criticize.
After he embarrassed himself immensely for the sake of hearing her laugh, she wanted to sing next, and she picked a somewhat sappy love song that she and her friends like. Corey, ever the overthinker he is, hears the lyrics and begins to wonder if there was a specific motive to her song pick. Maybe? Nah, probably not.......but maaaybe?
Perhaps... In reality, I have wanted to avoid having too much continuity in my work for a while, mainly because I don't wanna look like I'm just trying to steal your thunder, especially when it comes to anything that may poke these two closer to each other. They're already pushing on the line so much even the slightest extra poke will snap that line and see them falling over onto the other side lmao. Like we talked about before, I wanna be careful to not take the satisfaction of literal years of build-up from you.
Perhaps... In reality, I have wanted to avoid having too much continuity in my work for a while, mai
Tbh, I have gotten so wrapped up in this, especially considering their journey has helped me learn to draw that if they don't together, even if it is just for a short period of time, I might cry LOL
*sigh* You teasing bastard LMAO Tbh, I have gotten so wrapped up in this, especially considering th