In this upload I want to clear out some rules, that are important, for comissions within the world of TQFQ. Those comissions, are considered "sidequests" when they are a comic, or "happenings" when they are only single pictures.
world setting:
The world is mostly medieval with some fantasy elements. I wouldn't call it "fantasy", but more medieval.
There is only one world. No seperate realms, dimensions, or stuff like that.
The one known continent is split up into a few duchies, representing the different "kingdoms". But in order to stay truth to the videogame trope, I generaly use for this world, those nations are riddiculusly small, and therefor I decided to go with duchies ofer kingdoms and empires.
Over these "nations" stands the religion. This is basicly the catholic church. There are 5 kadrinals and one pope. One kardinal for a duchie. This church is ALSO the equivalent to a mage guild. So religion and magic are both focused in this organisation.
The magic in this world, is VERY limited. There are the gems. But those are a one trick pony. A gem usualy, has magic we would call a "buff". So magic that has changes an attribute. Those can be crafted into items, to give the item a certain attribute. Like a magical accesoire, or an ability to a weapon or tool. Still, those gems are very rare, and it is not supposed that everyone can walk around with a bag full of these magical gems.
THE OTHER type of magic, is the potion based magic. There ONLY EXISTS Potions for water- fire- healing- and electric- magic. Nothing else. I know this clashes with the comic "the first one" but trust me, it will make sence later on.
Means, there is no other type of magic, than those 4. No transformation, no hypnosis. No "i hold you down with my magic" spells. NOPE. Just rough magic, like water, fire, thunder and healing! And those potions are fucking expensive, so it's rare to own them. Mostly only members of the church can own them.
This is the main reason for this upload, to clear out, what char can be used for TQFQ related content!
Only real existing species. So no dragons, no unicorns and so on. Also meanst, that characters with unnatural propperties, like a wolf with wings, or horns, are off the chart too!
Also, just "natural" color shemes. Madlaine is an exception, wich will be explained by the story later on. But no blue foxes, or stuff like that.
Different colored eyes are okay, BUTT they are seen as a sign of the devil in this world. So expect your char to either cover it up, or expect to be treated bad!
Of course genders can be only classic male or classic female. Nothing else.
Sexual behaviour:
As mentioned earlyer, this comic takes place in a mostly medieval age. Means people do whore around, because life is usualy short. But they do it in secret, or they face the consequenzes of being a town hore of the lowest social stand!
Only breeding within one species can create children. So different species, won't be able to make babys.
the prominent sexuality and also the only accepted sexuality in this world is straight! If you are gay, or lesbian, expect to be treated as the outsider, who deals with the devil itself! Those sexualitys, thou some people feel this way, is not accepted in the society. And you better marry a woman and make some children with her, even if you don't love woman!
Monsters are in dungeons. Normal animals are outside of the dungeons. So a wolf can appear in the forest, and a monster in a dungeon. BUT Monsters kill. They are no rape machines!
3 months ago
30 Oct 2024 11:31 CET
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