reference/description : Collision is about the average size as a normal stallion, probably just a tad more lankier. His coat is a light blue almost lavender color and his tail and mane are a soft pink and his eyes are a pastel green. His body has random scars and bandages about him, no specifics for he is always hurting himself, healing, and hurting himself again. His horn is longer than normal and has an inward arch to it for no reason other than family genetics.
A fairly friendly pony with a very optimistic look on life. He doesn’t let his constant injuries get him down and always holds his head high. He is smart, and level headed but isn’t afraid to charge into a battle he knows he could possibly lose. If it means protecting those he cares about, he doesn’t stand down even if he’s had enough. He’s quick to trust and even quicker when it comes to making friends. Due to past head traumas, Collision can be forgetful and has some short term memory loss. However, if you make an impression on him, he’ll likely never forget you.
Collision is sick often, and has been sick so many times that his nose is constantly stuffy and he can no longer smell or taste. He doesn’t mind, considering it can sometimes make his job a lot more easier than it would for somepony else. When he is sick he can get cranky. He isn’t a very fun pony to be around when he’s not feeling well. He is also very clumsy and is often running into walls, or trees, or... well anything, and falling off of things or out of things. It's just who he is.
He is a big tease and loves to flirt with manly stallions. Colli isn't afraid of his sexuality and embraces it. He in no way thinks lowly of himself, in fact he's got quite the ego, but doesn't throw himself around. He aspires to be famous one day, but if you were to ask him for what, he'd simply shrug.
cutie mark and meaning:
Collision’s cutie mark is a bandaged, bleeding pink ooze, heart. It symbolizes his uncanny talent for sustaining injuries. He heals from illness and injuries faster than others and is known for living through some things most other ponies maybe wouldn’t. It comes in handy as he works basically as a lab rat, testing new medications, makeups, and inventions.
this is a pic I got made a long time
my little pony friendship is magic
unicorn pony
3 months, 2 weeks ago
24 Oct 2024 17:01 CEST
Initial: c2a390f8575b61f1846fcfce9859858e
Full Size: c2a390f8575b61f1846fcfce9859858e
Large: 21109197910793f4dc0ac084fb873993
Small: 85fa5d9ef9c43df55c78e708fb8d4a2d
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