Nombre: Syrus The Furry Imp. Edad: 18 años. Sexo: Intersex - Bisexual. Mangledversos al que pertenece: RWX + AW. Especie: Imp (Furry Imp).
Info General: Syrus es un Imp furry perteneciente a dos Mangledversos, es muy bueno usando su espada y su cola sirve también como arma para atacar a su oponente y/o atajarlo para así golpearlo contra el suelo o contra las paredes e incluso para ahogar a su oponente. Tiene una fuerza increíble que hasta puede levantar a un animal que tenga mayor tamaño que el suyo sin problemas.
- No simplemente usa su espada y su cola como armas, también tiene poderes mágicos hasta incluso puede escupir fuego de su boca como si fuera un Dragón. También tiene la habilidad de volar.
- Pertenece al lado de los buenos ya que el no nació en el Inframundo sino que es nacido en el mundo de los vivos ya que sus antepasados no estaban de acuerdo con las ordenes que se daban en el Inframundo con atacar a inocentes así que ellos van al mundo superficial pero no para matar a seres inocentes sino para ayudarlos. Esto ocurre en ambos Mangledversos.
- Syrus es el último Imp de ese grupo de Imps que pertenecían al lado de los buenos, ya que esos Imps murieron a manos de la androide CyberRock por haber desobedecido ordenes (Mismo pasa en AW, pero en vez de ser CyberRock quien comete el exterminio de estos Imps, es Anastasia Hellwolf quien los asesina en dicho universo).
Espero que les guste.
Arte hecha por: SaberTooth3. Syrus The Furry Imp pertenece a: Mangled
. ------------------- Name: Syrus The Furry Imp. Age: 18 years old. Sex: Intersex - Bisexual. Mangledverses to which it belongs: RWX + AW. Species: Imp (Furry Imp).
General Info: Syrus is a Furry Imp belonging to two Mangledverses, he's quite good at using his sword and his tail also serves as a weapon to attack his opponent and/or attack him in order to hit him against the ground or against the walls and even to strangle his opponent. He has such incredible strength that he can even lift an animal that is bigger than him without any problems.
- Not only does he use his sword and tail as weapons, he also has magical powers and can even spit fire from his mouth as if he were a Dragon. He also has the ability to fly.
- He belongs to the side of the good guys as he was not born in the Underworld but is born in the world of the living as his ancestors did not agree with the orders given in the Underworld with attacking innocents so they go to the surface world but not to kill innocent beings but to help them. This happens in both Mangledverses.
- Syrus is the last Imp of that group of Imps that belonged to the good side, since those Imps died at the hands of the android CyberRock for having disobeyed orders (Same happens in AW, but instead of being CyberRock who commits the extermination of these Imps, it is Anastasia Hellwolf who kills them in that universe).
Hope you like it.
Art made by: SaberTooth3. Syrus The Furry Imp belongs to: Mangled