’s version of sollux for better reference of the bee biology we have for the goldbloods π maybe eventually i can work up a reference sheet to better illustrate the differences between our bees!
i rewrote all of the info on Kuprum’s reference sheet here in case my handwriting is hard to read π
6'2 ft (187.96 cm)
PSIONIC POWERS. Streams of electricity that discharge from his palms, but exist throughout his entire body. Comes out yellow on his right and purple on his left.
GOGGLES. Fuschia colored. Lens are yellow (his right) and purple (his left). Always wears them because his eyes are aglow.
ATTIRE. Has to tie shirt around the neck and lower back like an apron. Gives wings breathing room. Wears shorts that grip at the bee’s knees. Arms warmers instead of long-sleeved undershirt. Does not wear footwear.
BODY. Goldbloods are bee-like trolls. There are worker bees βοΈ and drone bees βοΈ. Both have different features. Kuprum is a drone bee!
ANTENNA. Feelers that can learn the biology of another via touch
MANDIBLES. Mandibles on either side. Spreads apart as his lips move. Only exists in drone bees.
FLUFF. Has fluff around neck. Drone bees fluff is yellow. Worker bees fluff is black.
HORNS. Two sets. Gradients instead of candy corn.
EYES. His right eye is yellow. His left eye is purple. Appears white because of how bright his eyes are.
WINGS. Sprouted on upper back. Does not work.
LEGS. Has bee-like legs starting from the bee’s knees. Helps him climb and crawl around better.
SOLLUX CAPTOR. Worker bee (trans male) Has bee butt and smaller features.