Character Sheet for Tigera Blackstripe-Shar
Ti, Titi (only her wife gets to use that one, because it's funny)
Character Description
Tigera's very much one of those types you meet that seems ordinary, then the more you learn, the more you either run away screaming, or admire her. She doesn't like sharing her experiences much, especially with people she's not close to. Only a handful of people really have gotten to know who she actually is. What they found is someone who is playful, energetic, quite dirty-minded, slightly immature, but also protective, responsible, and thoughtful, when she wants to be.
She gets a bit fidgety, though, when she's not doing SOMETHING, so usually fidgets with her phone while at work.
Thoughtful, protective, a bit childish at times, dirty-minded, but responsible.
Likes: Music, sports, going on walks, hiking, camping, her family.
dislikes: most men, pain, isolation, talking about her feelings.
Tigera was born in Woodlands in 2075, she was born the 3rd of December to Marigold Blackstripe, and an unknown father. She never met him, her mother refuses to talk about him, so she has no clue, nor does she care to know. Her mother raised her, but was busy a lot with work, so Tigera didn't have as much time as she wanted. To this day her mother is quite the busybody, though she is also the mayor so she has to be. Tigera didn't have many friends in school growing up, despite playing on the school's soccer team, and being a cheerleader for the other sports. She went to woodlands academy for year 7, instead of Woodlands Secondary School, where most kids went, because of a bullying problem that had persisted for being "Freakishly tall" for her age. At Woodlands Academy, she met Sira Shar, and Nicole McKnight, who became her friends, despite her being extremely apprehensive at first. Nobody really paid attention to her being really tall, and then she just topped out. She had apparently reached her max height in primary school, because she never grew another inch after everyone else did, at least she was average height by that time.
After graduating with honors, Tigera wanted to go into professional soccer, but during a tryout for Woodlands' team, she suffered a bad leg injury that required her to have a metal implant put in, which killed her ability to do sports at the level required for professional soccer. Instead, she took solace in music, which Sira and Nicole both loved. Her and Sira got married at 17, and played with Nicole as a band called Wolfheart, but that too was cut short because Sira wanted a baby, and she was the one person Tigera couldn't say no to. At least this one they had a warning for. Performing for 5 years, until their daughter, Elizabeth, was old enough to go to school, Wolfheart officially disbanded and retired. Sira took on a job at the library, Tigera got a cushy job in her mom's office, and Nicole just fully retired.
Tigera nowadays spends time at work, and with her wife and daughter, sad about the opportunities she missed, but grateful to have what she does, and the unconditional love that comes with it. She still walks with a slight limp leftover from her injury, despite the metal rod being long removed and the bones fully healed, but it doesn't stop her. She still drags her family to go camping every now and then, walks regularly, and just tries to enjoy life as best as she can.
Sira Shar - Wife
Elizabeth Shar - daughter
Marigold Blackstripe - mother
Tigera lives in Woodlands, Solara, Arcturus V in the year 2276.
Tigera's 5'7" tall, and toned. She has waist-length dirty blonde hair she keeps in a ponytail, her bangs draping over one eye. She has emerald green eyes, slightly darker than Sira's, and orange fur with black stripes. She is slightly pear shaped, having wider hips and a smaller bust, though there's still plenty of cushioning for Sira to nap on.
Tigera pretty much wears a comfy top and leggings all the time. Her preferred outfit is an off-shoulder top, above-knee leggings, crew socks and sneakers. She will only wear a skirt or dress if Sira makes her, for like some sort of formal thing, mostly because the other option is a suit and she hates that idea.
for bed she wears usually short-shorts and a t-shirt, or just panties and a t-shirt
Tigera has a stud in her nose, 3 studs on each ear, and a necklace with a T on it that Sira got her for their anniversary.