Originally Submitted to FurAffinity.net on November 28th, 2012 10:54 PM. Before it was transferred to Inkbunny it had 188 views and 18 favorites.
And once again Puti (left) and Obsidian (right) are up to their old tricks, and this time they are setting up one of the all-time classic pranks... A bucket of water set over a door to spill its contents on an unsuspecting victim. Tho this time it won't be pretty as the water is infused with a fur dye that can't be washed out, leaving the unfortunate soul to either suffer the indignity of shaving their fur off or going the nearly 6 weeks that their fur will stay the color of the dye that is in the bucket. But no matter what, Puti and Obsidian will most likely escape punishment for a few days until someone figures out who did this. And yes, those two will take great pains to make it extremely hard if not near impossible to link them to any of their pranks.
I got this pic from battlefranky after getting his 50K kiriban yesterday, and watched him do this wonderful pic on livestream. Once battlefranky posts the pic in his gallery, I will be linking it here.
Please go and give battlefranky your pageviews, watches, love, shouts, comments, love, faves and if he is doing them, commissions. When you do, please tell him that Ainoko sent you his way. Trust me, he is worth getting art from as his art is fantastic!