Whaaaaaa? Ralph's takin part in #voretober too and not as a prey??? Whaaaaaa? :P Or rather, Whooooo?? Who's in there? and is there somebody else in there too? Maybe someone is INSIDE the someone who is inside the dino? OOH! What if it's BOTH! And then what if I went in there after them and swallowed down the someone who has someone in them already and then the last one left in there eats me with someone inside me with someone inside them as we're all inside Ralph?!?! OOooohhhh What if-... *this continues for several minutes while you hear the sounds of a fapping shark in the background amongst the heavy breathing*
:iconTaku_The_Orca: does such wonderful YCH's and as always I add my own shading to the stuff so fweeee :)
(also if you're an artist or especially an animator and are interested in that rambling idea I put forth there in the description, MMMmmph X3 uhm, l-lets talk pls <=3